Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai

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Kouyou 20th July 2013 09:57 PM

LOVE again vs. FEEL
Which do you prefer and why? :tsmile
I want time to write a well thought out reason but my immediate choice is FEEL for sure.

Benikari47 20th July 2013 10:24 PM

FEEL for sure, LOVE again consist of two amazing singles (*cough* mini albums *cough*) but lackluster album tracks. The only decent tracks are Bye-Bye Darling and the interludes. Everything else is mediocre at best and doesn't hold up on multiple listens. It's a shame, cause the likes of Song 4 U, Missing and Sweet Scar got me so pumped for the rest of the album.. But it just didn't do anything for me, it's easily up there with My Story as one of her most boring albums in my opinion. The singles save it but overall not very good.

Namie completely NAILED everything with FEEL, and made her take the spot as my favorite artist. Every track is of international quality, she managed to take rather generic EDM songs and turn them into gold. I love my generic tunes, but they usually get boring after 10-20 listens. Namie's delivery is what takes them to the next level! There's not one track i don't like, Poison is my least favorite but it's still a fantastic song, cause she has the attitude to pull it off.

marty 20th July 2013 10:54 PM

Scaaaaaryyyy, you just said pratically everything there was to say, lol!
For me FEEL is far from perfection, but it's 100% solid, and high quality, while LOVE again was a mess. Therefore, half of LOVE again (*cough* singles *cough*) is still superior to the most of FEEL in my opinion, but if you compare the "albums", as projects, FEEL wins without even try, the work behind it was flawless. LOVE again, as it was put together, is a fail like I've never seen from Ayu.
Also, I really appreciated Benikari47 mention of MY STORY, because it's true, they're so similar! And I don't mean just for the "classic sounds", but for the construction: I always found MY STORY very difficult to listen all at once. Every single track is amazing, but as a whole, I found it very random, like it's just a group of songs, without a theme, and it just struck me back then, because usually I find Ayu albums very cohesive, not always because of the sond, but usually for the "message" she wanted to share.

jean-baptiste 20th July 2013 10:57 PM


chasethechance 21st July 2013 01:09 PM

For sure, FEEL.

koumori 21st July 2013 01:17 PM

Although LOVE again has grown on me in the past few months, I still think FEEL is the better album for me. They're two very different genres, but the confidence and polish of Namie's album just leaves much more of an impression. Plus the timing is impeccable, it's the perfect summer album. :yes

TeamAyu2004 21st July 2013 02:23 PM

I love my ayumi, but FEEL is so much better.

fairygirl 21st July 2013 02:44 PM

FEEL <3 <3

KarenPang 21st July 2013 02:48 PM

Hands down , FEEL

For an album to only rely on 1/2 of a double A-side single , you know you really need very strong solid album tracks , if not Namie wouldn't have done something like this

And that aspect really paid off very well for her

harufi 21st July 2013 03:11 PM

LOVE again has the stronger individual tracks, but unfortunately they were only the "mini-album" tracks, the new material was average at best, whereas FEEL is much more consistant overall, so I'd prolly have to go for FEEL :P

Chibi-Chan 22nd July 2013 12:22 AM

LOVE again for me. I don't like it as a whole album, but compared to FEEL it has stronger individual tracks!

toLOVE 22nd July 2013 01:14 AM

FEEL slays everything J-pop have to offer this year (imo). Not going to lie, from Rainbow to Big Boys Cry it's the weakest part of the album, but the songs are really addicting and catchy. I find myself singing "can you feel this love, can you feel this love" and smiling, that song really makes me happy and throwaway all my bad thoughts, haha. Hands On Me is my fudging twerk anthem and Heaven is my club banger, Alive makes me alive. Every track is pure gold.

LOVE again.... ugh what's that album? The only good tracks on that album was Wake me up, Missing and the two interlude. Everything else is a snooze fest. To me, the whole album's a mess, releasing You & Me on this album.... if it was just the PV, then I might be alright with it because it's part of snowy kiss and Wake me up, but rereleasing it on as an album track... now that just get me mad. If this album was suppose to be MY STORY, then she really failed, I like almost the whole album.

Here's my two cent.

Delicious n Bold 22nd July 2013 02:05 AM

Sorry Ayu, but feel wins.
Now if YOU did an EDM album... (Not like next level)

kinix 22nd July 2013 03:41 AM

My votes goes for Love again as FEEL just doesn't feels like an Japanese album. Though I really love Let me let you go, Can You Feel This Love, Rainbow and contrail but the rest seems pretty plain to me... I think even uncontrolled is better than FEEL... (Didn't know LMLYG was a full english song till I check the lyrics >.<)

On the other hand, Love again do have a lot of songs which I wouldn't get sick of hearing them again and again. Tracks like Wake me up, Song 4 u, Missing, SAKURA, Bye-bye darling, Melody and Ivy...

chikocchi 22nd July 2013 03:47 AM

LOVE again

FEEL is nothign special
generic western club/dance arrangements with not-so-great lyrics

emi♡ 22nd July 2013 03:53 AM


Love again has everything except listen-ability. Like most of Ayu's post-RNRC albums. I think there were maybe 3 songs that I wouldn't have minded listening to again. The rest were boring.

Namie's album might be "generic", but it's funny how the songs you actually want to listen to, and like, can touch you the most in your life.

Ayu's production is getting better...but I feel like a lot of things about her albums are quite shaky. The direction is weird.

terra 22nd July 2013 03:54 AM


sora-kara 22nd July 2013 04:34 AM

I never listen to Namie. Ever. However, something about Feel intrigued me, so I did throw it on my ipod. Yes, it is a solid and easy summer album with bright energy and flow. It is good, but I'm just not sure of Namie herself for some reason...

I've been a fan of Ayu for YEARS! I came in just before the My Story era. She has her ups and downs, but I can usually find a time when I'm just dying to listen to her! However, Love Again is the second album from her I had no interest in purchasing (Party Queen being the first). As with Namie, I gave it a listen, but there was nothing that brought me back for a second listen. I already own this album in Love songs form, and I didn't like that album. At. All. So I have absolutely no need to listen to it again. Rehashed, replicant, recycled, redundant of her entire career.

Namie 1.
Ayumi 0.

Kanzaki 22nd July 2013 08:09 AM

LOVE again was another huge step down in quality to me. I've never been a great Namie fan, but there's no denying that FEEL is one of the best albums I've listened to this year. It just has that quality you can't really name, that bit of extra that actually makes you want to listen to the songs. Repeatedly. LOVE again wasn't bad by any means-but there's never a moment where I get an urge to open up Itunes and listen to it specifically. It's bland, whereas FEEL is anything but. So it's definitely FEEL for me.

~StarCatcher~ 22nd July 2013 09:55 AM

I like both albums, but LOVE again is the better one for me, simply because Ayu's music generally and also looking at these two albums is somehow more touching and emotionally.

And I loooooooo~~~~ve Wake Me Up and You&Me:luv2:love:thud

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