Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai

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Aditmi Krisnasaki ~II~ 30th March 2010 01:08 PM

What's Ayu's own favorite album?
I'm just wondering, have Ayu ever mentioned what is her own favorite album?

Not just that she said that she liked the production of the album, but she said that "THE album" was her all-time favorite studio album?

(like Mariah Carey said that her all-time favorite album was Butterfly)

thanks.. :D

nanakopy87 30th March 2010 01:16 PM

i guess it should be MY STORY?
i remember she's very satisfy with MY STORY but i don't know if this is her fav or not.basically she doesn't listen to her own songs XD
so i guess no? lol

hachiroku 30th March 2010 01:22 PM

I dont know about the albums, but if i remember right , one of her fav.songs is "Who.."

nanakopy87 30th March 2010 01:46 PM

her favourite song is fairyland.i remember she says she never skip this song when the radio or tv plays this song

y_nathz 30th March 2010 02:32 PM

I remember she said something about her fav song in AT08 but I forgot what is it..

JackieRos 30th March 2010 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by nanakopy87 (Post 2297722)
basically she doesn't listen to her own songs XD

who says?

I hope is I am...:heart

nanakopy87 30th March 2010 03:18 PM

she herself say so in one of the interview.i saw that before.but i forgot from which magazine

JackieRos 30th March 2010 03:22 PM

O.O wow

Aderianu 30th March 2010 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by y_nathz (Post 2297819)
I remember she said something about her fav song in AT08 but I forgot what is it..

Voyage, dearest, walking proud

Delirium-Zer0 30th March 2010 04:23 PM

Someone would need to ask her again, I think... I don't think she's answered this question in awhile. But last I heard from past interviews, she doesn't really listen to her own material much, and whatever she did last is usually her favorite work because "it's closest to who I am at the time". Although when she listened to Duty relatively recently, I recall her saying she wasn't happy with the final product.

Andrenekoi 30th March 2010 05:43 PM

Usually, artists (not only musicians, artists in general) don't really fall in love with their own material... I would say she most likelly listen to her own material on work related situations and that is it. When u urself did ur art piece, usually u r so tired of working on it and u know all of its low points...

She has favorite songs TO SING, that are Dearest and Voyage (as she said on AT08 before singing them), but to listen... well, when I imagine ayu listening to her albums and thinking "omg, I'm so amazing", it really freaks me out...

Based on interview, I would say her favorite album is always her newest one...

waterballoon 30th March 2010 05:56 PM

she has never explicitly mentioned her favorite album, but the one she felt the most satisfied with was MY STORY (^_^)

gallowsCalibrator 30th March 2010 05:56 PM

Ohhh, I wish I knew which was her favorite, if she had one~! I remember her saying somewhere that one of her favorite PVs was Marionette, I think she said, "I'm always impressed with Marionette; I watched the DVD, and I still have chills." ...or something like that xD

I wonder what her favorite album is though... :heart

Andrenekoi 30th March 2010 06:15 PM

^She was talking about Marionette performance, not pv...

aura~ 30th March 2010 06:45 PM

yeah I remember how in AT08 seeing her a capella's she said walking proud was one of her fav songs, or at least that she liked it a lot ^^

and I also agree on that she always likes her last work better...

I also remember her saying, answering witch song talked more about herself, she said that Dearest was her past self and Talkin' 2 myself more like how she was now... or sth like this

I always find interesting when she talks about her own works ^^

Andrenekoi 30th March 2010 11:38 PM

^She said Dearest is the song where she discovered she loves to sing
t2m was the song that represented her better on the moment of the interview (at08)

jbrat2219 31st March 2010 02:03 AM

Ayu's favorite album? Rock 'n' Roll Circus! :cool

truehappiness 31st March 2010 02:40 AM

Her favorite album is whatever she has released most recently.

I recall reading this in some interview a while back.

Random, but related:
Her favorite songs for an A BEST 2 interview:
from ray@AHN -
From her latest album, Ayu chose her “best” songs.

Q. A PV that surprised you the most because its scale was bigger than you expected is…
We took the shooting at L.A. We used a location where the movie “SEVEN” was filmed and a set inside Paramount Studio. This little girl was surprised at the fact, in studio next door, there were Hollywood stars shooting their movies (laughs). Oh, and I laughed when I saw the actors in “Star Trek” eating their lunch in their costumes.

Q. A PV that gives you the strangest feeling is…
Endless sorrow
It’s the only PV which I’m not the main character. I had a lot of feelings inside me at that time and chose to do this kind of PV, but the little boy who was the main character did a marvelous acting. When I see this, I recall myself just watching this shooting till the end.

Q. One of your personal favorite songs is…
HANABI ~episode II~
Of course I adore each and every of my songs, but this song is one of my top class songs. This is episode II, so I have a personal feeling for the original HANABI too. I only have the PV for part II, and it’s very simple one which I’m just crying. But it‘s the first time I showed so much emotion into it; I think I really gave out all of the emotions for the 2 songs there. I’m happy that a lot of people like this PV. Even though it’s not really beautiful… I’m just crying out with a rumpled up face (laughs). At first I hesitated if this is okay, but I think it turned out good. I’m not acting in this PV, I’m crying for real.

Q. Your PV which you had a most nervous experience is…
I still remember the tenseness of that one shot. All of the cast and staff knew that it was only one take, so the atmosphere was really tense. When the cut was over and we were free from the tensions, there was an instant change in the atmosphere. We were like “We did it!” and cried together. I think that was the moment when we all were in the world of HEAVEN and united into one.

Q. A song which you can not write now, your personal masterpiece is…
Because of you
First of all, I love the melody. I also really like the lyric. Even if I look at it now, I think I did a good job writing this. There are other songs similar to this lyric, but Japanese can make a really big change in the meaning with a slight change in words. So I used a slightly different “Because~” wording in each chorus, which turns out to be a totally different meaning. 2 years ago when I sang this song in my countdown live, I thought it’s a lyric that I can’t think up now (laughs).

Q. Out of the songs you made, the song that was new to you and had the fastest melody is…
Those days I couldn’t make songs at home so I brought all of my instruments to the hotel and made them. Plus, I run out of ideas if I stay in the same hotel, so I changed the hotels at every song I make. I think I made evo at a hotel in Yokohama*6? Back then, I was into guitar too, so after a process of trial and error, even though I made it myself I thought “Wow, it’s a very fast song!” (laughs). Before that I especially had a lot of medium or ballad songs, so it was very new to me, and I think my fans were really surprised too. I don’t think I can make another evo song even if someone tells me too. I think this song was born because I had that kind of particular “feeling” back then. If I was to make another rock song now I think I’ll make something close to “Humming 7/4”.

Q. The first song you used English in the lyrics is…
Real me
This song was a big challenge for me; the song itself, and also the English lyrics and the dance in the PV. It was the first time I danced so much, so I practiced like hell (laughs)! At night I struggled to remember that very fast choreography in the studio, so I was really happy when I got an okay sign at the shooting, and the choreographers CHIHARU and ETSU told me it was good!
I removed the embargo of English from my album “RAINBOW”*7. Those days I got an award from MTV and I got a chance to perform at other Asian countries several times. When I did, I had a feeling that Japanese can’t reach out to those people. So this little girl simply thought English is a global common language. That was the start of it.

Q. The song that brings back the cruelest memory is…
my name’s WOMEN
This PV shooting was sooooooooo hard. How many hours was I awake? I was awake for like about 2 days and 2 nights, and in the last part of the shooting CHIHARU and ETSU, the dancers and I, well everyone were just laughing. There’s always somebody that make some kind of mistakes. But we could forgive them because it was so funny (laughs). I had a concert before the shooting, and I went on to take the shooting without sleep, and the day after that there was the Aichi Expo*8. I don’t remember how I went to Nagoya from the studio (laughs).

Q. On the contrary, the song that brings back the most pleasant memory is…
This song brings me back a lot of memories. I also love this song. A few days ago, when I was using my computer, suddenly “fairyland” came on, and I just went on and listened to it. I never listen to my songs at home and even if my songs come up at TV, I change the channel. But I listened to it till the end and thought, “I really love this song”. The shooting for this song’s PV had a really good atmosphere. I went overseas with the dancers and had no rest and no sleep, but I had a really good time there. Even if I was blown off by the helicopter’s wind (laughs).

About her albums from isaac hiew and a t2m interview:
---By the way, You once said that sometimes the songs from "Duty" will be too painful to hear, so how about now?
Recently I discovered that downloading song can be so much fun. Althought I have bought a lot of music before, but it is my very first time buying my own CD. My house used to lack CDs performed by me and I would never listen to my songs inside my house. Then one random day I suddenly feel and urge of listening to my songs and I tried hard to download it. After that I thought, "Ohhhh, I sang about these kind of things before..."

---May I know it was which song?
From old songs to new releases. But there are some songs which was made during the "Duty" and "Memorial Address" era; those songs which were released when I was super busy. When I finally listened to it, I have a wierd feeling that it was not my song, but somebody else's.

y_nathz 31st March 2010 06:14 AM

^ Thanks! :D

jean-baptiste 31st March 2010 06:21 AM

@truehappiness: thanks for that! that interview is very interesting.

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