Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai

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Aderianu 23rd October 2020 01:57 PM

LIMITED TA Special Xmas LIVE 2020
◆TeamAyu Members-Only "ayumi hamasaki LIMITED TA Special Xmas LIVE 2020 〜@舞浜アンフィシアター〜" has been confirmed!

It's been decided that on December 24th, a special time and location limited in-person live performance will be held for TeamAyu members only at the Maihama Amphitheater, which was not supposed to be streamed or even recorded.
*The audience will be limited to 50% of capacity.

This is a performance that has come to fruition due to ayu's strong desire to share with everyone in TeamAyu, after many discussions with many conflicting values, a sense of audience unity, the vibration in the air, the feeling of breathing that can only be felt by being "live" and "real" in the same space .

This will be a special night sent to you by ayu, the company, and the ayu tour crew including a special production and songs for Christmas Eve including a complete setlist.
By all means, attend this special performance and the memories of this moment in 2020 that can only be created there.

※When you fill up an application for your ticket (and make your purchase), your membership number will be issued to you, and it will expire in November 2020.
※This performance will consider the current social climate, and will not sell Live Pocket tickets for non-Japanese members. We appreciate your understanding.


ayumi hamasaki LIMITED TA Special Xmas LIVE 2020 〜@舞浜アンフィシアター〜

December 24 (Thursday), 2020.

Maihama Amphitheater

[Doors Open / Performance Start Times]
[1]Opening 13:30, starting 14:30〜 (Plans)
[2]Opening 17:30, starting 18:30〜 (Plans)

[Ticket Types / Prices]
All tickets will cost 7,200 yen; with a shiny uchiwa fan
*There is a charge for children above the age of 3, and minors need permission from a guardian.
※One member can only purchase up to two tickets (TeamAyu members only).

【Ticket reception period】
October 28, 2020 (Wednesday) 15:00~November 4 (Wednesday) 23:59

【Result Checking, Payment Period】
November 11, 2020 (Wednesday) 13:00~November 16 (Monday) 23:59

【Precautions about bringing a companion】
※When filling up an application, you can choose to fill up names for the representative (the applicant) and a name for your companion.
※Your companion must be a TeamAyu member, so when you are writing your application, you must fill in your companion's membership number and the full name they used when they registered for a fan club site account, and it must be in katakana. Please keep this in mind when writing your application.

>> Click here for details

After much discussion and careful thought by ayumi hamasaki and related staff, we have decided to prioritize the safety of fans, related parties, and staff amid the recent outbreak and surge of COVID-19 infections in Japan, and will give up on holding concerts with an audience.
We apologize to fans who have been looking forward to the concert and ask for your kind understanding.
Additionally, forgive us for the last minute information, as we have been following the development of the situation closely and had numerous discussions before reaching this decision.

■ "ayumi hamasaki LIMITED TA Special Xmas LIVE 2020@Maihama Amphitheater" concert will be held without an audience and live-streamed.
December 24 (Thu) 19:00- (Live Streaming Planned)

Katsuyuki012 23rd October 2020 02:07 PM

Based on photos, it seems that the venue in which the show will take place is the same as the one from Ayu's a-nation '20 performance.

Toniayu123 23rd October 2020 02:18 PM

Nor two pregnancies nor a pandemic can stop girl from touring.
This is exciting. Hope they record it and release it somehow.

Seeing the capacity and the price of the tickets, it doesn’t seem like a profitable show at all. She does what she does out of real passion.

Earth_maiden 23rd October 2020 02:21 PM

I'm excited, it feels like a small step towards normalcy, even if we can't be there. :D

RealLight 23rd October 2020 02:29 PM

I was excited until I read "will not be streamed".

Well, I hope the setlist is nice at least.

chocopockymaster 23rd October 2020 02:29 PM

Normal capacity for the amphitheater is just over 2,000 so only about 1,000 people will be able to attend.

It’s going to be amazing :’)

kendelle 23rd October 2020 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by RealLight (Post 3330126)
I was excited until I read "will not be streamed".

Well, I hope the setlist is nice at least.

Same :headache :headache The era of streamed concerts is a dream for international fans lol

koumori 23rd October 2020 02:54 PM

Ayu posted minutes after the announcement with this on her blog. Here's a translation:


Did everyone look at the HP?

If you haven't seen it yet, look at it -------- Look at it --- (((o ( ゜ ▽ ゜ ) o))) ♡

I'm so excited that I'm already making a super special setlist ♡

Mumumumumu ・: * +. ¥ ((° ω °)) /.:+ ← my excited tension lol

Really hoping we get at least a recording of this. Since it's so limited, my conspiracy is that it'll be the DVD part of a planned album release next year, since MVs might be difficult due to her pregnancy. Either way I just want to see this so badly! Christmas queen :heart

indigochild 23rd October 2020 03:24 PM

Ayu said “motherhood? Children? Taking it easy? What’s that? Bitch get me on the stage ASAP!”

Never doubted you my workaholic queen <3

Zeke. 23rd October 2020 03:27 PM

Ugh this is my DREAM SHOW. I looooooove Christmas. So sad I can’t be there lol.

Chris85 23rd October 2020 04:00 PM

Maybe they will broadcast it on TV at a later date?

Mirrorcle_Star 23rd October 2020 04:02 PM

Sounds like a nice live with acoustic versions, hope it will be released in the near future :)

koumori 23rd October 2020 04:56 PM

The official regulations for the live:

- You must wear a mask when you come to the venue and when inside the venue at all times.
- Before and after admission, you need to disinfect your hands with the provided disinfectant solution.
- Loud conversations and cheering are prohibited to prevent droplet infection.
- Please cooperate with normal coughing etiquette (into a tissue/your elbow) and refrain from talking when in the audience area or in the lobby.
- No concert goods or CD/DVDs will be sold at the venue.
- The normal display of present boxes and celebration flowers has also been cancelled

Chibi-Chan 23rd October 2020 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Zeke. (Post 3330137)
Ugh this is my DREAM SHOW. I looooooove Christmas. So sad I can’t be there lol.

Right? I always dreamed of a show like this. I love the Christmas season and to listen to Christmas music non stop. lol
But I don't really like celebrating Christmas itself for different reasons and it would be such a perfect Christmas for a change if I could at least watch a live stream of this. ;_;

hud 23rd October 2020 05:29 PM

oh wow this is different! I wonder what the setlist is going to be like. acoustic performances maybe?

summerain 23rd October 2020 05:30 PM

All I want for Christmas is... Ayuuuu

(and her) Baby.

P.S.: do you realize she probably will do this show with a 8-month pregnancy belly? I really want to see that!

Earth_maiden 23rd October 2020 06:05 PM

With so little audience members it would be very difficult for anyone to sneak a camera in... I can imagine Ayu wouldn't want unauthorized pics of her pregnant belly, but who knows?

Katsuyuki012 23rd October 2020 06:07 PM

Who knows, it might not even be that visible.

Yoake 23rd October 2020 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by koumori (Post 3330142)
The official regulations for the live:

- You must wear a mask when you come to the venue and when inside the venue at all times.
- Before and after admission, you need to disinfect your hands with the provided disinfectant solution.
- Loud conversations and cheering are prohibited to prevent droplet infection.
- Please cooperate with normal coughing etiquette (into a tissue/your elbow) and refrain from talking when in the audience area or in the lobby.
- No concert goods or CD/DVDs will be sold at the venue.
- The normal display of present boxes and celebration flowers has also been cancelled

When I saw all that rules, I thought that Ayu really misses her fans. No cheering? She'll experiment a new link with the lucky fans.

pedronekoi 23rd October 2020 07:29 PM

That's surprising!! I'm really intrigued to know the setlist! As this is a TA concert, I'm sure she will show her baby bump under her outfit <3


Originally Posted by Earth_maiden (Post 3330147)
With so little audience members it would be very difficult for anyone to sneak a camera in... I can imagine Ayu wouldn't want unauthorized pics of her pregnant belly, but who knows?

I'm pretty sure we will have the official pictures on her Instagram.

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