Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai - View Single Post - [Charts+sales] A BEST 2 -- THREAD II
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Old 18th March 2007, 12:15 PM
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Originally Posted by ImpactBreaker View Post
Sorry that I mentioned position, but it's pretty obvious the overall sales declined greatly after this album was released. From 475,284 to 101,894, that's one HUGE drop in sales. Anybody who releases an album these next weeks will drop this BESt album to the bottom.
Some people here think we're talking about some common album. This is a best release, it has gotten a lot of promotion, it is expected to sell a lot better than that. You guys must be in serious denial to think this album is doing amazingly great. ayu was a lazy bum with this release, she should have resung or have some of the tracks rearranged and it should have been a double CD (WHITE + BLACK) instead. Also, this release is bland and unoriginal. I'm a hardcore ayu fan and I didn't feel excited to listening to this A BEST 2 at all. I was just like, ok all the same old songs I've overplayed, sounding exactly the same again? (I know, there's the remastering crap, but for real, what a huge difference!!!! ) A BALLADS was definitely much better and interesting to listen to. It had a grand ballad like RAINBOW, which is one of her most memorable songs. Part of Me was a bogus track, cliche and forgettable with yet another recycled H/\L melody. I guess ayu's BEST covers do indeed show how her mood was when they decided she would have to release the compilation. This is why she looked so extremely bored in all the 4 covers, she's almost yawning in some of them.

About BUT/Aisho and BBL, maybe it has to do with how the cds were distributed? Maybe avex didn't put all albums/singles for sale all at once, I dunno, could be totally mistaken about it. Maybe people were not interested in those releases either.
I'm a hardcore ayu fan and I didn't feel excited to listening to this A BEST 2 at all.
That's probably the reason why you are so "disappointed" with everything. Most, if not all hardcore/omg longtime Ayu fans are like picky about every little thing she does. D:

Last edited by truehappiness; 18th March 2007 at 12:20 PM.