Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai - View Single Post - ARENA TOUR 2009 A ~NEXT LEVEL~ setlist and pictures [II]
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Old 14th April 2009, 07:37 PM
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jierarudo jierarudo is offline
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 13
there've been reports/comments/postings from fans on how the stage is so simple this year, how boring they think the costumes are, but in my opinion these people are forgetting that we've got a BLOODY RECESSION going on.

every. single. industry is affected. and the music industry's definitely not spared too.

budgets have to be cut, costs have to be be minimized - in fact i'm wouldn't be surprised if she didn't do an asian leg this year because the costs would simply escalate.

also, i think people around this forum should stop complaining and whining that the tour should have been done this way, the songs should have been included this way, or the dresses should have been worn that way.

if you've not been to the concert with ayu dancing live on a stage in front of your very eyes, then i think you should reserve your comments AT LEAST until you've seen it. seeing a concert live is very different from just reading reports on them.