Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai - View Single Post - [Translation] TEAMAyu blog: 30th January [A World is One Fanbook]
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Old 31st January 2010, 10:40 PM
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omggg.... *sheds a tear*
This is so... emotional!! I never thought she would write this much! Mentioning how we put in an effort, and for the people that gave her the book. Stan also.. And so sweeeet.. she put it in a lobby where she passes every time! I'm so glad that she read few of them.. Don't care if she read mine, but I'm really really glad we made this and gave it to her. And so glad that I wrote her. She seemed so happy...I think we motivated her!! I'm so glad.. Saying all these things... Thank you Ayu! ♡ And everyone that made the letters! ♡ ... Ok, and Stan-chan! ♡ xD
Thank you Misa-chan for translating such a beautiful post~~



I noticed this love
The moment my fingertip touched his
And my feelings were
About to flow out...

I might tell him of this feeling
When the trees come into bud
And the leaves are freshly green..... again...

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