Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai - View Single Post - Ayu's Twitter/Weibo - Discussion #36
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Old 2nd June 2015, 03:08 AM
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Andrenekoi Andrenekoi is offline
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Most of the time the first Best album of a japanese artist that got big early is the last relevant release they will ever make. The artist goes from million seller to nobody, so, the first compilation is on several cases seen a headshot on the career.

Avex forced A Best on the same day as Distance to capitalize on the rivalry, and Ayu probably wasn't all that sure if there would be something left for her after that... This is actually the main theme from Duty (the album), her duty to keep her career going on even if she (thought she) knew everything would be over pretty soon.


I live around AHS (Ayumi Haters Sekai)