Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai - View Single Post - [A] Ayu ~Anything Goes~ XVI
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Old 10th May 2016, 04:23 AM
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Zeke. Zeke. is offline
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2002? Or 2003. Probably right before A BALLADS was released.
Ayu's music had always been so lush, rich, and vast. Also, I've always been a fan of higher-pitched, emotional vocals. Ayu happened to embody everything I loved into a single package. Also, melancholy. Ayu owned that. She's still able to deliver on that from time to time, but I guess one reason I loved Ayu was because her music operated at 100%. I often felt the songs were birthed intricately and perfectly; like I couldn't image how they could have done anything differently. And the choruses were the best I ever heard. It felt like they were constructed logically. Like every note was either a call or answer to the previous/post, and it felt natural. Like each phrase in the melody, or even the layering behind the melody, made sense. It felt like they made you want something, and the delivered on it. I never felt that type of engagement before. Now, it doesn't happen as often but now and then she still delivers something that grazes the surface of that.

As far as change, no. I'm the kind of person who can eat the same dish everyday if I fucking love it. When it's perfect, why change it? It's like a good relationship; You don't go sniffing around for excitement or thrill when what you have delivers on every aspect so perfectly. I like to know what I'm getting because I've usually committed to it for a certain reason, and I want to continue receiving whatever it is that I was drawn to in the first place.

I'm open to change usually as long as it either improves on the original, or at least can tackle change while staying true to its core.

Last edited by Zeke.; 10th May 2016 at 04:39 AM.