Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai - View Single Post - [NEWS] / [テゴマス] / [山下智久] The 24th ~U R not alone~
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Old 24th September 2017, 09:20 AM
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Aga-chan Aga-chan is offline
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That's what kind of irked me about NEWS in the beginning, Johnny's seemed to throw random pop songs at them. KAT-TUN had a more mature sound, Kanjani8 a more playful sound, but NEWS seemed to not really have a direction. I mean, KAT-TUN and Kanjani8 have all types of different songs, too, but it seemed Johnny's didn't really know what to do with NEWS.
I'm glad when you say that they have a more experimental pop sound now. It seems they found their own sound. ^^

And Nishikido is actually one of the more tame Kanjani8 members. lol Perhaps he just gets swept by all the craziness around him.


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