Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai - View Single Post - [News] New Album TROUBLE on August 15th ~III~
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Old 8th August 2018, 07:52 PM
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Akutenshi Akutenshi is offline
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Her "golden time" as people keep referring to it, would probably fall anywhere from 2000-2012.

In my opinion, EVERYTHING in that time from had some value to it, whether being experimental and unique, high quality production and refining of her "safe" sounds, or what have you. Whereas future releases used to do her sound better than the previous, now her generic songs aren't even half the quality of the ones that came before. This, I think, is the key problem.

It's okay to be "generic", as long as you're constantly tweaking and perfecting that sound - not phoning it in, like most of her recent material sounds. And this is all thanks to Yuta Nakano phoning in his arrangements, so the fault lies just as much on him as it does on her for continuing to employ him.