Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai - View Single Post - Kalen Anzai cast as Ayu in the drama adaptation of "M 愛すべき人がいて"
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Old 20th April 2020, 07:39 PM
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BlackSilence BlackSilence is offline
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Honestly? I've watched a crapton of j dramas back in the day when they were easy to find online, and unless you were watching something like Hana Kimi (which i love BTW) or other comedy stuff that's supposed to be over the top animated, it was always quite well done, the acting and everything else. Even the stuff GACKT was in (and he can be ridiculously over the top with his acting) wasn't bad. Cuz usually the characters fit the acting. I never really stumbled upon a drama that was so bad it was unwatchable because of the acting. I haven't watched anything in YEARS though, so i can't really say anything solid for the stuff they have now. But i wouldn't be surprised if the quality has dropped. Also considering it's not a TV channel that's producing this stuff, i think has a bit to do with the level of quality this got.

Last edited by BlackSilence; 20th April 2020 at 07:42 PM.
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