Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai - View Single Post - Songs without original versions
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Old 12th August 2022, 11:36 AM
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This is from the liner notes for LOVEppears, translated by Delirium-Zer0. It doesn't explain why "M" and "J" were chosen as the version names specifically though.

10: WHATEVER <Dub's 1999 Club Remix>
(Music: Kazuhito Kikuchi/Arrangement: Izumi "D.M.X" Miyazaki)

This is my first single of 1999. Track one on the single was a remix version called "version M," and the approach to this work was different than my work until now. At first, the original version, "version J", was planned to be track 1 and "version M" was planned to be track 2 on the single, but when I listened to the original and the remix, the original version lost the contest every time. The repeating of "ta" in "kogoesou de me wo tojiteta" felt very fresh to me at the time. Putting the remix as track 1 was something I was nervous about. Would everyone agree to it? But it turned out to be a more popular decision than I thought it would.
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