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Thread: Ayu Traditions?
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Old 25th December 2022, 08:47 AM
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Ayu Traditions?

Do you have any ayu traditions?

For example, I always, and only listen to “Close to you” on Christmas Eve. When I’ve finished my festivities with family, I go outside, amidst the snow, and listen to Ayu’s “Close to you”, while marveling at the world around me. Lately it’s taking a step back, and looking at the Christmas decor inside my house, from afar, through the window of my home. I look at the tree in my living room, the lights in my kitchen, etc. This is a really special moment for me, especially considering initially, “Close to you” was never a favorite of mine. But with time, I grew to discover its moment.

Other traditions include not adding”Carols” to my rotation until just before the first snowfall. Not adding “Days” to my rotation until the first beautiful snowfall in the daytime. Not adding “momentum” until the first bitter snowfall. And not adding “No way to say” until the first intense, yet beautiful and luxurious snowfall in the evening.

For “Carols”, “momentum” and “Days”, once I break the seal, and the moment happens, I continue to listen to them throughout the season, but for “Close to you”, I only listen to it once, during the afformentioned moment. This keeps my anticipation, and appreciation for these tracks, and moments, at an ultimate high.
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