Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai - View Single Post - What kind of AHS contest would you enter?
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Old 18th September 2004, 06:19 PM
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Originally Posted by jerms
well..first, there's a thread that says u know, anyone who wants to join the contest can post in this thread, you ahve what, 48 hours? then from all those names that posted, maybe...25 or so are drawn randomly (like a lucky draw) and they are the the ones picked for this "survivorish type game"(or it can be on teams or osmething? eh). from there maybe have several mini-contests to slowly narrow it down. for example the first one could be to create a 100x100px logo for yourself/your team. those 20 are judged in a poll and the lowest 5 scoring ones are booted. then its down to the final 20. then there could be a trivia or something on who knows more about her. and then..a speech? haha or something even simpler. something like.."i'm thinking of a number between 1-100.." lol im not sure but finally when its the final 5 or whatever ther starts to be a lot more difficult challanges etc. and the final 4, final 2, done. i think it'd be cool cause in the threads u can make little images and mascots, etc. make it like "american idol" or something ..or "who's the last on ahs island?!" just thought that'd be fun. there doesnt need to be a prize or anything, maybe a different initiate title, lol. haha.
That just rocks.
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