Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai - View Single Post - Who got their AHS <3 AYU CD today??
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Old 11th August 2006, 03:36 AM
Posts: n/a
Who got their AHS <3 AYU CD today??

Sean did!

I was wondering if anybody else had gotten theirs yet? I was so excited to see the finished product in the mail today. It looks great, all shiny and purrdy. Some of the black ink rubbed off on my fingahs, but it's still really cool!

I just gave it a full listen through, and I'm happy to say that there is a lot of talent flying around this forum. Particularly on the Remix side; I had no idea! I never participated in a Remix contest here, so I was very surprised. I tend to stay away from fan-mixes, but this changed my mind completely. PS: jigglypuff, Xelakad, and Taishaku... I just had your babies.

Anyway, congratulations to everyone who participated on this CD. It's really cool, and it was great to catch all the hard work from past contests that I missed.

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