Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai - View Single Post - AHS can't be accessed via handphone
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Old 9th April 2014, 01:24 AM
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There seems to be a lot of confusion going on at the moment. I'll try and clear some of this up. It's sort of a mess right now behind the scenes for the moderators as well, so don't feel we're ignoring this topic on purpose. We're hard at work figuring out how to go forward and ensure this doesn't happen again.

Zef is the founder of AHS and he has been in and out of the community since 1999. Alongside another administrator, he naturally had the server domain details and has insisted on keeping it under his attendance. This wasn't questioned by anyone as it seems a good enough decision - too many cooks spoil the broth, and obviously too many people having access to our server and the payment of it makes AHS a little less secure, in theory.

However, due to circumstance, it seems Zef has decided to stop payment for the server. Our back-up administrator is unfortunately on a long break from most things online to concentrate on their career and wasn't around to see the server domain timer ticking down, hence why our domain name went publicly on sale without any warning. It was a surprise to the moderators as well.

Luckily, the AHS member Ayumi saw the message and bought the domain to save it and try and restore the forum. She has been in contact with the moderators about securing the domain for the future. Since restoring the forum back-up we have seen a few issues with avatars and the like; we need someone with actual server access to help us there, which is unfortunately limited to Zef and the other administrator, who we are currently trying to contact.

I hope this explains a little more as to what happened and to what we're trying to accomplish in the short-term to maintain stability. I hope everyone understands that for the sake of respecting the privacy of certain individuals, I won't go further into details on some topics - but questions are welcomed, and I'll answer if I can.
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