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Old 12th September 2019, 11:15 AM
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Corvina Corvina is offline
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Originally Posted by Toniayu123 View Post
New music wise mainly. But also public appearances, mags, Tv...
Hm, she's not as public as she was, that's true, but she's never gone even without releasing much music.
She appeares on special music shows pretty much every year, her tours and concerts are airing on TV, media is reporting about her tours and concerts like they do with every other known artist, there are also reports about Instagram posts, and with rumours and gossip it's even more.
We only got one magazine spread for her 20th anni, but now we have the book.
As long as she's active, she's not gone, even when she's not releasing new music.
But your experience about how you receive her music is interesting, cause never thought about it like that.

Take someone else as comparison e.g. like Miliyah Kato or Ai Otsuka. They're much more active in regards of releasing new music, but from what I've seen there's less of them in media coverage and attention nontheless.
And media is more reporting about their tours and other stuff as well. Considering nowadays experiencing (new) music is more valuable for most people than actually buying it, that's understandable.
In Japan, apart from streaming, only concert ticket sales are still rising every year. Touring without releasing any new music is probably not possible though in the long run.

「変わらないなら 変えるしかない」

Last edited by Corvina; 12th September 2019 at 02:10 PM.
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