Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai - View Single Post - Just the beginning -20- TOUR 2017 ~VI: Third chapter~
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Old 16th February 2018, 02:08 PM
Baco__ Baco__ is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 432
I'm pretty sure Jesus or God, wherever they are, aren't mad about her using catholic (I can't even tell it Christian in general, just plain catholic) references in her shows. Why would they? Crucifixes, the last supper, they've been redone, rethought, redrawn, reinvented, reinterpreted for the last thousand, years at least. Why is it okay when done by westerners and for "art" but it's not for a concert? I mean, it's all business (before and now) and a mighty God wouldn't mind if man-made references to Him/Her/It were used once again. I guess there's more to care than that. Jesus was not the only martyr who has been crucified in history, and maybe ayu is just being one more crucified martyr, not aiming Jesus at all. It's just herself theatrically becoming a martyr and you're all discussing over nothing haha
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