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Old 21st September 2009, 08:40 AM
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[Rumor] Ayumi Hamasaki bought a cemetery?

The original Japanese article:

とある墓地周辺の住民の間で噂になっているという。「まだ若いのになぜ?」と話題になっている とか。
発売中の「週刊文春」が報じたもので、同誌によると、購入したお墓の場所は南青山の一等地にある浄土宗の寺 院だという。
都心にもかかわらず、3000坪の敷地に檀家も2000あり、常時10人の僧侶が在籍している。いわゆる高 級ブランド墓地なのだ
浄土宗関係者いわく、浜崎が購入したのは3年ほど前で、本堂近くの立地のいい場所にあるという。洋風の墓石 で、敷地いっぱいに広がるほど巨大らしい
正面に「浜崎家」とあり、中心には、英語で「Hamasaki Family」、オランダ語で「最後の庭」と刻まれ、 石だけで700~800万円、土地代は1000万円以上である。
芸能関係者によると、お墓には浜崎の祖母のお骨が納められているとのこと。幼い頃に両親が離婚し、浜崎にと って祖母は心の支えであり、彼女のことを歌詞にした「HANABI」という曲があるほど、彼女は祖母を大切 にしていた。
そんな祖母の地元・福岡に埋葬されていたお骨を引き取って納めたという。ちなみに、愛犬のリンゴとメロンも 一緒に埋葬されているとファンの間では知られているとか。
お墓は花に囲われているが、浜崎がお参りに来ることはほとんどないという。あまりにも都心すぎて、騒ぎにな るからだとか。
おそらくいつでも祖母のお参りに行けるようにと、お骨を近くに持ってきたのだろうけど、人目に付くjから行 けないとは・・・。

Rough English Translation

"Singer Hamasaki Step (30) bought a cemetery", recently many residents around the cemetery have made up such rumor

"She is still young" and that inadvertently became the subject.
She bought the cemetery grounds?

The issuing of the "Weekly Man Spring" reports:

Hamasaki bought the cemetery which is located in Minami-Aoyama, first-class sections of the Pure Land Sect monasteries, though close to the city center, but the 3000 square-meter land more than 2,000 people buried there are a few of the 10 resident monks church can be described as the senior cemetery. Here, again, one to be switched on at night, 24 hours can be when you visit, so very popular.

According to Pure Land Buddhism stakeholders introduced Hamasaki was three years ago, near the main hall where a selection of feng shui treasure land, and the cornerstone for the Western style, covers an area of great.

The front read, "Hamasaki home" is the middle is the English "Hamasaki Family", then right now with the Dutch "lastの庭", the light of this rock has been 700-800 million yen, as the price of buying land is more than 1000 million yen.

But why buy a graveyard?

A person under the relevant arts, in fact buried here is Hamasaki's grandmother, Hamasaki parents divorced when young, for Hamasaki is one of the pillars of her grandmother, as described in grandmother's song "HANABI", can be seen She cherished her Grandmother's feeling, so in Fukuoka originally buried in the grandmother's bones to migrate to the present place.
In addition there was also buried with her dogs リゴ and メンンロ, this matter to her fans should be aware of this.

This cemetery surrounded with flowers all around, but Hamasaki has never gone to visit here, possibly because of too much rely on the city center, afraid of causing a disturbance. Perhaps she wanted to come here, but too compelling to abandon. I do not know what day the quiet of a person she can visit it here?

Credit: 道道 @ AyumiFans
Rough English Translation by Ayu's Story
Shared by C+R+E+AYUMI

I don't find this rumour that astonishing...many people buy cemetery and graves before they die.
Instead, i never never knew HANABI was written for her grandmom...now is more beautiful and touchier if possible

~thanks pepper for the set~
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