Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai - View Single Post - LOVEppears title track
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Old 4th June 2009, 06:42 PM
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Judging from what Ayu said about the title, I'd say "appears" is more like the "official" title track, although there really isn't one, obviously.

"The title "LOVEppears" has two meanings to it, 'thing that seems like love' and 'discrepancy between what we see and what's really there.' ... Before starting my trip to New York for the Jacket photo shoot, when I looked out the window from inside the car, there was a couple that looked SO happy, but I personally was thinking, maybe they're in the middle of a serious crisis. Or maybe they're actually talking about separating. So I thought of the meaning 'Seems to be' for the word 'appears' and stuck it on there. We give ourselves certain outward appearances and images, trying to make it look like things are good or bad, whatever we want to show people, but really things aren't as we're showing."

That's from the LOVEppears beatfreak interview. REALLY rough translation, but you get the gist of it.
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