Asian acts that you have lost interest in ? - Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai
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Old 19th March 2010, 05:41 PM
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Asian acts that you have lost interest in ?

Hope I wouldn't get decked for creating this thread D: . If not , I don't mind this to be sent to the Trash Can .

Since I began my Japanese music journey 4 years back , I came across a lot of jpop/rock acts & it's quite sad & a big pity that for some of them , I'm not interested in them as much before aka I can't even remember the last time I last played their song in my mp3player

They include

- Utada Hikaru ; this's a big pity . I was quite a big fan of her & I haven't listen to her material in almost a year + or so X_X

- Angela Aki ; ditto & the type of music that she does , I'm sorry to say this but there's virtually no room for experimentation & that goes for poor Dew too

- GReeeeN ; I can't even remember the last time I listened to their stuff . I deleted everything of them from my mp3player but I still keep their songs backup in my external hard drive .

- Ai Otsuka ; not very impressed with her recent material . The only single that I was impressed of was last year's Kurage Nagareboshi but other than that

Soon on my going to be RIP list

- ARASHI ; wow this's a shocker . I was a HUGE fan of them but after I found out how they sell out to the masses & lip synch in pretty much all the 'live' performances & even in their concerts that I watched of them , I more or less have lost respect towards them

I know that they're idols which have different audience & etc they attract as compared to rock bands but what kinda example they're setting towards the younger bands in the talent agency ?

Even their senior counterparts V6 don't do it so often

for the record , I'm still in the Johnny's fandom but I only keep myself updated with the bare minimum update , music wise but it's a pity that ARASHI's like going to be the 1st Johnny's I'm probably going to kick them out soon in my mp3player

I might change my mind about them if they ever return back to do hip hop / rock no.s ie. if it's ever going to happen

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Last edited by KarenPang; 19th March 2010 at 05:44 PM.
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Old 19th March 2010, 05:52 PM
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ayumi hamasaki (I still love her but she hasn't impressed me lately)
koda kumi (her stupid overzealous fans made me hate her)
dir en grey (their last album was a total fail)
4minute (they need to release more songs like muzik)

ah man this also reminss me of the artist that I missvsi much *sigh*
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Old 19th March 2010, 06:07 PM
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Dreams Come True I kind of overplayed them!!

Jolin Tsai I discovered here and was hooked with the Agent J period... Then I started listening to previous material and disliked it, and her new album was a complete disappointment

Mr. Children their music is great, but somehow boring after so many years (same happened with U2)

Namie Amuro I still like her older material (PLAY and before), but ever since her "comeback" I dislike her songs, lives & PVs

Utada Hikaru she takes SO long to release new stuff!! She should dedicate to her japanese career exclusively
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Old 19th March 2010, 06:41 PM
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All Johnny's
Ai Otsuka
Namie Amuro

Koda Kumi Concert Audio

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Old 19th March 2010, 06:47 PM
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Ai Otsuka (at first she was cute, but then... it came to look fake in my eyes)
Yuna Ito (amazing vocal, but last album is really terrible)
Namie Amuro (ok I liked only few of her songs, but still I really dislike her now)
May J. ( I still love her but her RNB period was awsome, now she's average )
SoulJa (love comes and go, it depends on a release lol)

I almost havent realized you said 'ASIAN' not japanese only. So, I'll edit my list:

Gem Tang (I died when I first heard her, and her mini album was super epic, then... her first album was... kinda like boring to me, I think I overplayed her)
Kay Tse (I still like her, but I wish for more variety in albums)
Fiona Sit (I overplayed her too, lol )
Myolie Wu (both mini albums are super awsome, but it would be a nice dream If she would dedicate herself to music only, this is like.. more money in her pocket, singing is like hoby to her)
Show Lo (if it aint no Rainie Yang I would never give him a chance, he's overrated imo. I like only 3 songs now from his latest album)
Ivana Wong (I would like for her to surprise me)
Rachel Liang (I was so happy she's releasing second album when.. only singles were nice )
Theresa Fu (please come back!)

Last edited by PoetGirl; 19th March 2010 at 06:56 PM.
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Old 19th March 2010, 06:54 PM
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Ami Suzuki
Loved 'DOLCE' & 'Supreme Show', but latest releases have dissapointed me ;_;

Kind of liked her, but I lost interest. But I may reroute my fandom with FAKE (I love Namie ♥_♥)

Took too long to release ナチュラルに恋して, but it is kawaii


Originally Posted by Lana Del Rey
Yes, I am f--king crazy. But I am free.

Last edited by wildconnetta; 19th March 2010 at 06:57 PM.
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Old 19th March 2010, 08:19 PM
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Angela Aki:
Her music is nice but she sounds like any other Western "girl-with-a-piano" singer-songwriter and if I'm going to listen to something like that, I'd rather be able to understand the lyrics.

I like her image and attitude but nothing has really grabbed me about her music.

Maki Goto:
I don't like MoMusu and I can't get into her Tsunku albums and since both are such a big part of her background I don't know how I could ever be a "true fan".

Leah Dizon:
I lost interest during her hiatus.

I started exploring KPop a short time ago and while I was definitely infatuated with their industry and how different it can be from JPop, I don't like how there are *waaay* too many groups with *waaay* too many members in each of them. I prefer to support solo artists more than groups since there's more longevity in a solo career.
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Old 19th March 2010, 08:26 PM
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well how about i never wasted my time listening to artist who i knew would never bring me any unique pleasure in music . . .so i cant say i lost interest but simply never gained it.

all the aritsts i originally loved in jpop the most are fine
all of my fav visual-kei jrockers (the only bands i ever like for the most part) are fine too
except im not pleased than An Cafe has gone on hiatus leaving an album that doesnt impressme with most songs
and Ayabie who has finally gone major but they have changed to the point that i think theyre going ot become a johnnys band if u give it a few years T.T

i love them still. but mostly for their older things (which are amazing wonders of music to me)

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Old 19th March 2010, 08:38 PM
x-megumi-x x-megumi-x is offline
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Aya Kamiki
I used to really like her until the Misekake no I Love you release... Then she became boring and her latest releases really disappointed me. I miss her indie era so much

Anna Tsuchiya
Same as Aya Kamiki. NUDY SHOW was nice though, but forgettable...

I like their latest album and I still listen to them sometimes, but I think their songs now all sound the same :/

Same as AAA, her songs are way too similar to each other... The last release I loved from her was CAN'T BUY MY LOVE...

Hitomi Shimatani
Poor girl, she used to have pretty good songs before... Now she only makes covers or boring new songs, what a pity

Last edited by x-megumi-x; 19th March 2010 at 08:53 PM.
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Old 19th March 2010, 08:44 PM
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Oh my gosh, I have so many, but I'll try to limit a bit. :X

Hikaru Utada - One of the biggest disappointments of my music life. It all started with ULTRA BLUE. I had the biggest hope for that album, but except for COLORS, BLUE, and maybe one more, the album was pretty ******. And HEART STATION was even worse. And then This Is The One was a little better, in my opinion, but still pretty bad, and kind of a sell out.
MUCC - They were an amazing rock band, and one of the few that stayed true to what Visual-Kei really is...... And now they're like L'arc~en~Ciel junior. **** that! I still love their old stuff sooo much though.
Ai Otsuka - She used to be freaking amazing, lol!! She had her ups and downs in the music, but I was always impressed with every album, until LOVE LETTER... My gawd, that is a terribly boring album. Don't like the style she's had lately, either... I still like her a whole lot, but her actual music has been a huge disappointment to me for a while.
Chihiro Onitsuka - This is another person who's older music I still love, and I don't have anything against her, I just hated her last album, and LAS VEGAS wasn't too good, for me, either. :\ I also hate that she is VERY limited in variety...
Do As Infinity - There was a time when I loved them. But now, no. ETERNAL FLAME was pathetic, with the exception of Meramera. Considering that, plus the fact that they were supposedly broken up before that, I just don't care anymore if they don't release anything again. I mean, I thought that's how it was gonna be before, anyhow, hah.
sweetbox - Jade is truly what made this band. The girls before her didn't bring anything amazing, and the new girl can't even try to bring 1/100 of what Jade did. So, along with Jade and Geo, I left sweetbox, and I am currently following their various projects outside of the band.
Aya Kamiki - I had a lot of hope for her. One of the few current acts who did real, regular rock. But most of her past works were sooooo...well, below average, at best, for most of the stuff. And her image and everything is starting to go somewhere else, completely, with avex, it seems. That's a real disappointment, there--I was hoping avex would really boost her up in a positive way. Whatever. I'm done expecting anything from her, and I'll just focus on the songs that I do love, and her old, true rock style that she seems to have lost with the label change.

Last edited by Crystal_Ageha; 19th March 2010 at 08:47 PM.
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Old 19th March 2010, 08:51 PM
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I used to love their music (well, mainly their singles) but their past two albums have not been very impressive. And I agree with megumi, their new songs all sound exactly the same. x_x They used to have so much variety it was crazy.

Do As Infinity
They were one of the first bands I listened to when I got into j-pop a long time ago, but now I don't listen to them AT ALL.

I used to be a really big fan of them, and I still do love their music a lot, but it takes me longer to listen to their new releases and I don't follow them anymore.

Used to love them too, but I don't follow their new releases at all. I stopped at their fourth album.

I loved her first singles, but I lost interest after her album which I didn't like much.

I loved them when they first came out, but... I have totally lost interest in them. Some of their songs are still awesome though, like Replay.

Super Junior
I loved them when they debuted but I haaaaaate them so much now. XD

Nakashima Mika
I used to love her music but I never listen to her new releases anymore.

Amano Tsukiko
This is probably the biggest one for me. She used to be one of my favorite singers after I became a fan because of her works for Fatal Frame (my favorite game series ever). But even before she stopped releasing new music, I totally lost interest in her and I only listen to her like twice a year now.

Okuda Miwako
I loved her so much but she doesn't seem to have released anything new and I just don't listen to her anymore.

Shibasaki Kou
I love love love her first album to death but after that her music just became generic, bland j-pop to me.

I loved him so much solo, but I don't care for BREAKERZ.

That was a lot more than I expected... x_x
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Old 19th March 2010, 09:04 PM
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Hitomi Shimatani: I really like her musics and had hope on her. But after thoses covers releases and her latest original album which was a crap =(. I feel sad about her becauses she's so talented and is waisting her time in works who nobody care.

BoA: Well I really liked Eien and some of her previous works but isn't good enough for me to be excited about her. Wow I just watched her arena tour video preview and is so depressing. Clothes are horroble, she's not excited, new crap arrangement and zoobie crowd lol XD. Maybe I can give her another chance with her korean album. But just maybe.

Yui: Jeez I was fanatic about this girl. Seriously I really love her, but when her 1st about came out. I felt a little frustated of the fact it was all the same thing T-T. And didn't changed as much then to now =X.

hitomi: I like her differents musics but since her hiatus I lost interest. Don't feel the same musician as she was before.

L'arc~en~ciel: I feel they lost the fire they had on their musics =X

Perfume: I was crazy about then since computer city. But after triangle I lost the interest. I don't know the reason, maybe because the album was crap -_-'.

Koda Kumi: almost all her songs since Kingdom are boring, made just like a cake recipe, and with no atitude T-T. She always has the ballad she cries or someone dies on pvs, the poor rock music with no atitude -_-, idiot meanless songs, sugar-sweet crap songs where she acts like an 8 years old child T-T. I know she can do better but I don't see any possible change scenario for her.

Yuna Ito: amazing vocal and so talented but her latest album was horrorble =X

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Old 19th March 2010, 09:11 PM
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Nami Tamaki - After leaving sony her music started to get worse and worse. Now she's trying to become urban to catch people's attention... Pathetic!

Ai Otsuka - I love her old stuff but everything she has released after LOVE LETTER has been really disappointing.

Morning Musume / H!P - The golden years (1999-2004) were full of awesome music. After Nacchi's graduation and until 2007 their music quality was not so good but they still released some good songs. However, right now their music is boring as hell and everything sounds very similar...

Hitomi Shimatani - Needless to say why I've lost interest in her lol

BoA - I think she's almost over. Her music style is changing for bad and if she keeps making music similar to IDENTITY the end of BoA is near.

SPEED - They need to make new music!! Her classics are awesome but we're all tired of listening to the same songs every time they perform
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Old 19th March 2010, 09:31 PM
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Koda Kumi
Mika Nakashima

I live around AHS (Ayumi Haters Sekai)

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Old 19th March 2010, 10:01 PM
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Namie Amuro - the biggest dissapointment. I haven't understand her phenomen since forever, but I've been listening to her. She didn't release nothing fierce after... Queen of Hip Pop album. And I appreciate her 'first era' works more than works from 'another era'.

Utada Hikaru - just don't release anything american no more. Start release in Japan, even it can be one single a year.

Mika Nakashima - after VOICE album she's getting worse and worse. I think that new album is coming soon, so please bb, surprise me.

I don't remember any more of artists in the moment. I'll add more if it will be needed.
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Old 19th March 2010, 10:45 PM
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Ayumi Hamasaki - kinda a boring past year for Ayu. She released Sunrise/Sunset which I hated and BALLAD/You Were... which I liked but not that much. Her album is shaping into a bore so far...but I hope I like some of the songs enough to get back into her.

BoA - not a single good release since Mamoritai ~White Wishes~

alan - sadly. Her new more upbeat stuff is good...but not particularly interesting. Pity since she was my favorite a while back

Angela Aki - just can't get into her anymore

Shoko Nakagawa - still waiting for a good song like Namida no Tane, Egao no Hana

Koda Kumi - Universe was disappointing

Namie Amuro - only liked Hide & Seek, New Look, and Baby Don't Cry. Was looking forward to her new album but didn't like it as much as I'd expected to

ayaka - it's a really horrible time to get into her stuff since she's taking a break. I will check out her older music sooner or later since I haven't heard all of it. For now, unable to get into it.
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Old 20th March 2010, 12:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Ayumi27 View Post
Namie Amuro I still like her older material (PLAY and before), but ever since her "comeback" I dislike her songs, lives & PVs
The same happened to me with her, in the past she did awesome TV live performances and now..... we got nothing, she is just interesed on touring

My first J-pop cover album is out on Spotify! Please check it out!
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Old 20th March 2010, 12:41 AM
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Namie Amuro - I really did not like her new album besides a couple songs, and her new collab/video is just a huge fail to me. I used to really love her. I loved the PLAY album and would play it so often, and Queen of Hip-pop and STYLE were amazing! I was so sure her newest album would be of high quality too but the arrangements to most of her songs are very messy and bad imo. I've also lost interest because she doesn't seem very interested in her career, and a lot of her dancing is just so lifeless and boring.

alan - I loved a lot of songs off of her first album, but everything just got so boring and I can't even handle her voice or wailing anymore. Don't get me started on her second album or "over the clouds/diamond". Avex needs to stop wasting money on her because I just do NOT see her catching on at all no matter how big she makes her eyes look or how many ayu songs she replicates.

Koda Kumi - I've accepted that I just can't like her anymore. I've tried to get my love for her back but it just won't work. I was obsessed with her in 2006 and thought she'd keep releasing fun and catchy music over the years and be fun to follow, but I was wrong. She always teases with one or two great songs a year and the rest turn out extremely disappointing. UNIVERSE was the last straw for me. She's so boring and embarrassing right now it isn't even funny.

Utada Hikaru- She has some beautiful songs, but she doesn't release anything very often and when she does release stuff it's not as good as it could be.
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Old 20th March 2010, 12:48 AM
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I love Ayu but she needs something new IMO
Dir En Grey omg what happened to you guys
Gackt just... bored me

"I've come to find you will never be mine
Let's keep the secrets between us,
You and me, rest those tired eyes,
Tomorrows a Surprise, let's keep the secrets between us,
You and me.

It's getting harder to hold my breath,
Keep it in my chest, I'm sinking under the pressure,
I wish that I could just take it back let that time pass,
But now I'm stuck under pressure.

Although you'll never be mine your secrets safe with me"


This wonderful set was made by the spicy Pepper

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Old 20th March 2010, 12:48 AM
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Ai Otsuka: I really haven't listened to her since Planetarium.....I can't even remember her last album

Koda Kumi: Ah....TABOO was just too amazing of a song....that the other songs that she has released...just doesn't live up to it~

Utada Hikaru: I really regret buying her US album....She releases so slow that I get bored with her

Mika Nakashima: I loved LIFE....but anything after is just horrible for me....
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