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Old 4th February 2021, 07:57 PM
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Ayu replies fans questions. This section updates twice a week.

Q: What perfume do you use?
A: I was wearing “un” a lot during rehearsals for Saigo no Trouble, and it makes me feel a little sentimental now, so I’ve been wearing “deux” more recently! It’s fruity and more seasonal, and cheers me up!!!

Q: What food have you been into recently?
A: The salad shop that Mika-nee introduced me to recently. It’s perfect for girls: they even have “beauty salads”♡! Sooo delicious ♡. Ask Mika-nee for more deets. LOL
I love cooking too, so have been enjoying my own cuisine a lot too ^ ^

Q: What’s your go-to karaoke song?
A: I don’t go to karaoke. I’ve been relying on my vocal chords for over 20 years, so want to give them a rest when I’m not on stage.

Q: What have you bought recently?
A: Nike Angel sneakers ☆ — I haven’t worn them yet so I’m just enjoying looking at them.


Q: Are you doing any exercise or training during this period of self-restraint?
A: I’ve got things set up for training at home, but as it’s just me it’s difficult to really push myself hard...

Q: When corona is all over, where would you most like to go abroad? Where’s your favorite place?
A: Somewhere I can see the sea! But more than a specific place, I just want to be able to go and see my precious friends without worrying!

Q: What do you drink first thing in the morning?
A: Lemon water! I put lots of sliced lemon and mint etc. in water overnight and drink it when I wake up!

Q: Tell us a beauty secret!
A: Find something in your day that makes you laugh, and laugh as hard as you can! That’s definitely it!

Q: What movie or drama series do you recommend?
A: I’m not big on romantic comedies, but Money Heist is surreal and interesting!

Q: What is your favorite clip and the one you liked to shoot? Love U from France !
A: Mirrorcle world!!! That’s definitely one of my greatest videos and the time I had there with my french fans was so amazing!!!!!!!


Q:I'd love to know what skin and body care products you've been using! (^^)♪<佐知さん>
A:My skin's been super dry these days so I've sold my soul to beauty oils! I rub them all over myself from head to toe! Practically gleaming!!
You'll usually find me putting on Mishii Beaute or Roi, I think.


Q:Do you have any recommendations for keeping warm?<七瀬さん>
A:I can't live without my MegRhythm. I have boxes of it at home and put them on every night.


Q:Putting aside your trademarks—pink and monochromatic outfits, clearly the pinnacle of fashion—what other colors do you think will be the trend this winter?<ふぅさん>
A:I'm really into navy these days for some reason.


Q:What smell have you always loved?
You posted about lemon oil on your social media, but I was wondering if that's something more recent?<優子さん>
A:Lavender, geranium, and rose have always been my favorites! Sorry I'm so vanilla lol.
Yeah, I was just into lemon at that time!


Q:Anything you're obsessed with eating lately?<恵さん>
A:Mizutaki hot pot! Offal hot pot!


Q:What's the first thing you do in the morning?<かなこさん>
A:Ever since it's gotten cold I've been having boiled water to warm up my freezing insides.


Q:What's your favorite kind of chocolate? Bittersweet, semisweet, white, or strawberry?<ともさん>
A:White ♡


Q:What's your favorite snack or candy? I like chocolate!<yumipanさん>
A:Ice cream (°▽°)! Literally, water who, I'm 70% Ice no Mi.


Q:What shampoo have you been using?<しぃなんさん>
A:The new one from Roi. Sometimes for a change of pace I use the black Kérastase one.


Q:What do you eat on a day you want to push yourself to keep going?<ゆうこさん>
A:These days it's cheesecake ♡ I eat it when I'm burnt out too though lol.


Q:Do you eat oden?
What's your favorite ingredient? Mine's chikuwabu and hanpen fish cake.<未来さん>
A:My heart is tender for beef tendons ♡


Q:Is there any drink you're hooked on right now?<美記さん>
A:I've started to take a liking to boiled water! I love a piping cup of herbal tea too.


Q:Please tell us any makeup tips or tricks you've been doing lately, and your favorite products too! !<Ayaさん>
A:I haven't been putting on any makeup at all, really. I don't do anything on my own. I love putting a mask on when I come out of the bath though!


Q:Anything funny that happened recently?<海咲さん>
A:I'd be looking at kibidango dumplings and you can be sure I'll just start laughing. Papico too. My dogs are becoming such uncles now. They're just so precious.


Q:What do you wear when you're at home? Like, when you're cooking or taking care of the baby.<由紀美さん>
A:Honestly, the way functionality is my life, the only thing I care about... You'd want me to calm down for a bit lol.
Not an inkling to be found of that thing they call "fashion"...
If TA ever saw me I'd cry ( ̄∀ ̄)


Q:Any personal motto or favorite proverb?
"When there's a will, there's a way" and "there's no use crying over spilled milk."<ゆみちんさん>
A:These days:
"What will be will be. "


Q:Any local dish you came upon during a tour that you can't forget?<ココさん>
A:Nothing beats the sushi in Fukui! Best in Japan! Nor the steak at that sushi place either! Also best in Japan! Lol it's probably going to etch its mark in history with all these prestigious national titles.


Q:I love drinking so I was wondering if you did too.
What are you like when you're drunk? Are you the kind who gets super hyper?<美穂 姐さん>
A:I've been incredibly sober (by my standards, I mean) so any info I have about what I'm like when drunk is outdated by years... I'm normally gloomy so I'd probably be cheery and social I think, lol.


Q:Any animals you want to live with besides dogs?<勝己さん>
A:A camel (first thing that popped to mind). Now that I think about it that sounds crazy.


Q:Is there anything special you're doing to balance work and parenting?<ゆか もすさん>
A:I don't have any knowledge nor experience, so all there is for me to do is just stop caring what people think and give it my best.


Q:What do you think is the most important thing in parenting ?
A:Whatever it is, you gotta face it!


Q:Which concert did you have the hardest time at?<HIROKIさん>
A:All of them. Every single one.


Q:What's your favorite sneaker?<HKRさん>
A:Oh gosh, I have too many! I don't like anything heavy, no matter how cute they look.
Other than that I'm not picky at all !


Q:Any MV that was particularly memorable for you?<みりさん>
A:First thing that came to mind were the two I shot in Hong Kong! God, way too much happened! !


Q:If you have any habits I'd love to know!<gazeruさん>
A:I talk to myself a lot. I do tiny mini-dances. In both cases it takes a while before I realize what I'm doing and go "Gasp!" W(`0`)W lol


Q:I've always loved sweets and desserts, and chocolate is my absolute favorite. Do you have a sweet tooth too, Ayu?<唯さん>
A:Have I seen this question before? Ice cream!
I'm 70% Ice no Mi... Wait a sec, I did write this before lol.


Q:Do you have something you don't like?
It can be food or anything.<みな美さん>
A:Butting into other people's business.


Q:I love your hairstyle in Evolution. Do you think you'll ever do a short black hairstyle like that?<章平さん>
A:Not in this life, I don't think so!


Q:Do you eat your favorite dish first? Or do you save it for last?<香那さん>
A:I stuff myself the first chance I get lol!


Q:Is there anything in your everyday routine that you absolutely make sure to do? Like, when you wake up, or before a meal, or when you're about to leave the house.
A:Yoga! No matter how little. If I really, really can't then I at least do the breathing exercises.


Q:Is there a song that you think you struggled with a lot among your many songs? <rkmさん>
A:Whenever I'm creating a song, I think this time is the most difficult!


Q:What kind of bath salt do you use now, ayu? <あーやんさん>
A:Kneipp! I'm so happy when I put all the Kneipp series together and choose the scent for the day.


Q:If you were born again, would you want to be a man or a woman? <ハリネズミさん>
A:Hmmm... I don't think I need to be human, I thought quickly.On second thought, maybe not!


Q:What is your favorite face wash? I'm a man, but lately I've been feeling like I need to take care of a lot of things! LOL <しっぽぉさん>
A:I haven't changed my face wash at all since the release of my stylebook! I like simple and natural the best.
Maybe I'm just a pain in the ass. LOL!


Q:In these days, how do you lift your spirits, ayu? <希望さん>
A:It sounds fishy in words, but when I see the faces of my loved ones smiling, it gives me the strength to live.


Q:What kind of pajamas do you wear to bed? <ゆみちょんぐさん>
A:What kind of pajamas? You mean? LOL!
I wear pajamas! LOL LOL!


Q:What is ayu's favorite crepe? <ミキティさん>
A:Banana♡ Without chocolate sauce♡


Q:Do you play video games, like Switch or PlayStation? <太芽さん>
A:I can't because I'm too restless! LOL


Q:Do you have a certain time to wake up and go to bed? <則江さん>
A:Yes, I do! I probably go to bed and wake up earlier than you imagined.


Q:Are there any stage costumes from your live performances over the years that have left a lasting impression on you and that you would like to wear again? Give me your top three!(*^^*)<みんみんちゃんさん>
A:I can't chooooooose! I'm more interested in hearing TA's top three choices!


Q:What were you like as a child? <夢魔さん>
A:I was a child that was not very social, and was good at playing on my own.


Q:What do you do to relieve yourself when you feel stressed out? <くぅさん>
A:I massage my scalp while staring at a single point.


Q:We tend to get out of shape while staying at home, but how are you coping with it? <亜由美さん>
A:I changed to an at-home workout!


Q:I love to watch comedy. If you have any favorite comedian or someone you are interested in, I’d like to know.<映子さん>
A:COOKIE!-san ♡ He is such a genius♡
Oh yeah, I like Kamaitachi-san too.


Q:I know that you’re famous and very busy, but have you been to or do you ever go to Disney Sea? If you do, I’d like to know your favorite ride. <こうたさん>
A:I’ve probably been there. lol
If I remember correctly, a long, long time ago. lol
I don’t know the names of any rides at all! It’s not good, but I really don’t know…I might as well study!!


Q:What fetish do you have? If you have one, please tell me..(◠‿・)—☆<Asami@あーや(茨城っ子)さん>
A:It hasn’t changed, HANDS!


Q:I’d like to know what lip balm you’re using! <杏奈さん>
A:Recently, I like the one called, Baby Vaseline!


Q:What’s your regular breakfast like? <RIEKOO MOONさん>
A:Salmon, miso soup, and brown rice.


Q:How often do you change your smartphone cover?? It seems like you use all sorts of covers so I was curious…<愛さん>
A:I change it right away if there’s something that catches my eye, but if there isn’t, I won’t change it and don’t mind even if I keep the same cover.


Q:When you wanna sleep but you just can’t sleep, what would you do? <ゆりさん>
A:I won’t sleep. lol
I’ll make some herb tea and read books or play with my phone.


Q:What’s your favorite Onigiri?<沙季さん>
A:Mentaiko (spicy pollock roe)♡. Oh yeah, can’t ignore tuna mayo.
Umm... I also really like Ume (plum).


Q:This is such a normal (?) question, but what’s your best dish?<えっかさん>
A:Something that’s not fancy. The so-called, uninstagrammable one. LOL


Q:What is your favorite country you've ever been to?<いよさん>
A:Japan. Definitely.


Q:What kind of hand cream do you use?<里美さん>
A:The one So-chan always gives me!


Q:What is something you can’t live without? *^^*<Yasiさん>


Q:Have you started anything recently?<poohさん>
A:Electric bike! LOL!


Q:You look good in both long and short hairstyles, but is there a hairstyle you'd like to try next?<えみかさん>
A:I guess I wanna try short hair for the time being!


Q:What are you looking forward to do now during the Covid-19 pandemic?<美保さん>
A:I like to spend time at home a lot.


Q:What do you want to eat on the last day of your life?<ジョアンナさん>
A:I honestly don't know about that, but what I want to eat right now is a fresh seafood rice bowl. LOL!


Q:I've been looking for a good skin foundation lately. ayu-chan, what are you using?<希代美さん>
A:I don't wear skin foundation! I only use concealer when I’m bothered by some parts.


Q:What was the first CD that you bought in your life?<りっきぃさん>
A:Oh, I’ve forgotten! In fact, the CD was tiny...back in the day. I still don't know if I should have folded that paper. LOL!


Q:I live in Thailand and love the ocean as much as you do, so I dive in the Thai ocean every month. Do you ever go scuba diving, ayu-chan?<ayapanさん>
A:I'm afraid of fish, so if I do, I'll probably pass out.


Q:I like fortune-telling, do you like it, ayu-chan? Do you believe in it?<ゆきっちさん>
A:I'm sorry, I don't. I don't believe in most things. LOL.


Q:Are there any must-have items that you always carry in your bag? It would be awesome if you could introduce the goods in your bag that are popular these days.<めーみぃさん>
A:Suppose it's just my stuff, my phone, lip balm. That’s all. LOL.


Q:Which do you prefer, a quiet place or a bustling place?<nacchanさん>
A:Absolutely, a quiet place! Isn't it just so noisy every day?


Q:I want you to tell me what your favorite kanji is! (Sorry for the geeky question, LOL)<奈々さん>


Q:How do you get over when you are feeling down? ( ;_; )<ゆりさん>
A:Fall to the end of the Earth. After that, the only way you could go is up.


Q:Do you like Onsen (hot spring)?<弘海さん>
A:I like my own home bath. LOL!


Q:Is there anything you always do before going to bed? Do you do anything to help you sleep?<☆かおる☆さん>
A:I do yoga!


Q:Teach me how to recover from a broken heart?<ちゃーさん>
A:Let's move on. Life goes by so fast.


Q:Which flavor of ramen do you prefer: salt, miso, soy sauce, or tonkotsu?<ともぱんさん>
A:Only tonkotsu wins.


Last edited by Aderianu; 25th September 2021 at 06:25 PM.
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Old 5th February 2021, 11:09 AM
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God those questions O_O

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Old 5th February 2021, 12:53 PM
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To be honest I'm not surprised thye were asked / Ayu chose to answer these. She's always positioned herself on that 'lifestyle' segment, hasn't she? Can't say I'm really interested but I can understand why she answered these and not the 'NEW ALBUM WHEN' type questions x)

I still think it's nice, feels like a soft comeback to when she was active on social media!
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Old 5th February 2021, 02:03 PM
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Originally Posted by !Lawi! View Post
To be honest I'm not surprised thye were asked / Ayu chose to answer these. She's always positioned herself on that 'lifestyle' segment, hasn't she? Can't say I'm really interested but I can understand why she answered these and not the 'NEW ALBUM WHEN' type questions x)
the fact that it is posted here is also a reason that she only answers very generic questions instead of a bit more deeper ones I think.
Please click my pokemon if you have time ^-^

Arena Tour 2012 A ~HOTEL Love Songs~ Marine Messe Fukuoka ~ 21.04.2012
Arena Tour 2015 A ~Cirque de Minuit~ Osaka Jo Hall ~ 25.04.2015
Arena Tour 2018 ~POWER OF MUSIC 20th Anniversary~ Saitama Super Arena ~ 07.04.2018
Arena Tour 2018 ~POWER OF MUSIC 20th Anniversary~ Saitama Super Arena ~ 08.04.2018
25th Anniversary Live Tour ~ Beisia Culture Hall Gunma ~ 04.11.2023
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Old 5th February 2021, 02:16 PM
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^Could very well be you're right!

I don't mind not having 'unofficial' communication on her projects but honestly the whole teasing around TROUBLE got me so excited, like when she was listening to aeternal on her phone in Tokyo!

Are these Q&A just uploaded on the TA website then? I was a member for a year but never really got round to using all the features!
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Old 5th February 2021, 04:02 PM
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The new version of TA is basically a copy of how Koda Kumi's fanclub has been (and I hate it, I much prefer the previous TA site). This type of Q&A is something Kumi has been doing for years, and it's always in much the same lines of questioning. These are mundane questions of Japanese girls...how do you stay so trim? what do you do when your crush doesn't like you back? what is your favorite dessert these days? etc.

If you're expecting some deeper questions, you may need to realign your expectations because this is by and large what the market in Japan will bring her.
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Old 5th February 2021, 08:53 PM
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What's a MegRhythm?
AHS married to Gomi 13/01/11

AYU ~Countdown Live 2012-2013 ~WAKE UP~ [29.12, 31.12], AYU ~CDL Cirque du Minuet [29.12.14], AYU TROUBLE 18-19 [05.01.19]
Maaya Sakamoto ~Mitsubachi [30.12.12] BABYMETAL [10.01.2015]

BIG BANG [21.10.2015]
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Old 5th February 2021, 08:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Earth_maiden View Post
What's a MegRhythm?
Warm eye patch. I was surprised to see it at local stores. It's kinda popular among bloggere
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Old 5th February 2021, 10:30 PM
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Originally Posted by voltron View Post
The new version of TA is basically a copy of how Koda Kumi's fanclub has been (and I hate it, I much prefer the previous TA site). This type of Q&A is something Kumi has been doing for years, and it's always in much the same lines of questioning. These are mundane questions of Japanese girls...how do you stay so trim? what do you do when your crush doesn't like you back? what is your favorite dessert these days? etc.

If you're expecting some deeper questions, you may need to realign your expectations because this is by and large what the market in Japan will bring her.
Lol at the dessert question 🤣

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Old 5th February 2021, 11:34 PM
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^ But for real though. Just for comparison, here are a few from Koda Gumi:

★Question from Risa
Please tell me your favorite color or lucky color of Ku-chan ♪
★Ku-Chan's Answer
I've always liked colors like a mixture of green and aqua.

★Question from Kana
Which do you like better, laundry, drying or folding? What is your favorite job in housework? ?? I like to wash and dry, but it's hard to fold it lol
★Ku-Chan's Answer
It's a drying group! It's hard to fold ~ I understand ~ lol

★Question from Chara
How long do you sleep? Something you can sleep well-tell me if there is anything-.
★Ku-Chan's Answer
Basically, I have to sleep for about 12 hours, but ... I'm burning aroma to the last minute!
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Old 6th February 2021, 02:08 AM
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Thank you for sharing. The questions aren't too bad. I have a very dry skin in winter too, so I'll take a note of her advice.
But overall I agree that some deeper questions would be better.

Last edited by Chris85; 6th February 2021 at 02:11 AM.
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Old 6th February 2021, 04:47 AM
pedronekoi pedronekoi is offline
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Oh Lord... not a single question mentioning her music, her artistry or something like that...
Ayu concerts I've been to:

ARENA TOUR 2015 A Cirque de Minuit ~Mayonaka no Circus~ @ Saitama Super Arena 2015.04.11/12
ARENA TOUR 2018 ~POWER of MUSIC 20th Anniversary~ @ Saitama Super Arena 2018.04.07
Tokyo Rainbow Pride @ Yoyogi Park 2018.05.06
a-nation' 2018 @ Ajinomoto Stadium 2018.08.26
LIVE TOUR -TROUBLE- 2018-2019 A @ Nakano Sunplaza 2019.02.06
ayumi hamasaki 21st anniversary -POWER of A^3- @ Saitama Super Arena 2019.04.07
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Old 6th February 2021, 05:10 PM
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added old answers
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Old 7th February 2021, 12:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Aderianu View Post
Q: What’s your go-to karaoke song?
A: I don’t go to karaoke. I’ve been relying on my vocal chords for over 20 years, so want to give them a rest when I’m not on stage.
Originally Posted by Aderianu View Post
Q: What is your favorite clip and the one you liked to shoot? Love U from France !
A: Mirrorcle world!!! That’s definitely one of my greatest videos and the time I had there with my french fans was so amazing!!!!!!!
yeah most of the questions are mundane, but the ones like these highlight the musical aspect of her life and I really value knowing these answers. thanks Aderianu for sharing them here.
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Old 7th February 2021, 09:13 AM
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My guess is that music and release questions would come under the unacceptable category. Maybe it's a company thing where they don't like interviews or settings they don't have control over the message of?

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Old 8th February 2021, 07:15 PM
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2021-02-08(JST) | Q&A

Q:What's the first thing you do in the morning?<かなこさん>
A:Ever since it's gotten cold I've been having boiled water to warm up my freezing insides.
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Old 9th February 2021, 09:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Aderianu View Post
2021-02-08(JST) | Q&A

Q:What's the first thing you do in the morning?<かなこさん>
A:Ever since it's gotten cold I've been having boiled water to warm up my freezing insides.
Is it boiled water or water with lemons? I am confused!?🤣

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Old 9th February 2021, 02:53 PM
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My old boss swore by drinking just warm water when she was sick. No flavour, just tepid water on its own from the tap.

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Old 9th February 2021, 03:42 PM
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Originally Posted by njanjayrp View Post
Is it boiled water or water with lemons? I am confused!?��
She said drinking boiled water became a thing when it started getting cold, when she talked about water with lemon it was in May, so I suppose at that time it was Spring in Japan
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Old 9th February 2021, 06:22 PM
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Originally Posted by RealLight View Post
She said drinking boiled water became a thing when it started getting cold, when she talked about water with lemon it was in May, so I suppose at that time it was Spring in Japan
How was I unaware of this happening back in May? Only found out a few weeks ago xD

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