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Old 15th March 2010, 08:54 PM
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How to join Team Ayu~ II

Hello everyone!!

Since I became a Team Ayu member I received many PM's asking me TA related things, how I joined and other kind of questions. Until now, the way I joined was a bit special, but finally I found a way to be a Team Ayu member without a middleman. I wanted to do this tutorial so that mor einternational fans will be able to join it!! maybe some don't have credit card, or others don't want to pay so much for the FC, but I'm sure there's a lot that don't know how to do it!! Maybe you aren't able now, but if in the future you can, here you have how to do it!!

You only need a credit/debit card !!

If you have it, the money and the dream to become TA member, it's possible!!!


First of all, we have to solve the main and most important problem, have a Japanese address. Thanks to Hatix, I went to the following site:

Here you can register for free, giving your address and a valid payment credit/debit card or paypal. You can pay with credit/debit card or paypal here. You will have to write your credit/debit card number in the registration. I use an electronic credit/debit card that I can charge with money every time I want to use it, so if you don't have a CC like this and you don't totally trust the site, you can still use PayPal ^^.

Once you have registered, you will receive to your email the Japanese address.

Everyone in the site has the same one, but at the end of it, you will have your special number, like a different zip code so that they know exactly who has received it. They also give you a phone number to use, because some sites ask for it (Team Ayu for example ^^).

You will get something similar to this one:

〒140-0000 東京都 品川区 東品川0-00-00-TS-----」

The TS is YOUR number and has 5 numbers. ^^

When you receive anything to you address they send you an e-mail asking if you want them to ship it. You can wait for more things to arrive if you want. They will tell you the total amount you have to pay. There’s a service and shipping fee (they use EMS ^^) and all that matters is the weight.

For example, a package weight is 800g, the price will be: 2890Y (23€)


So now you already have a Japanese address and a Japanese phone number!! If you have a credit/debit card you can become Team Ayu member and buy in mu-mo, Yahoo Japan Auctions...


Now you have to register in Team Ayu ^^. Maybe you don't have any problem joining it, but if you don't understand Japanese and need help, here you have a little guide ^^


First, you have to go to that website:

Once you'll be a member, you'll be able to change your membership information (address, e-mail, password) or pay for the next year fee logging in there (I'll write it later ^^)

1. Click that button to start

2. There're 2 types of TA membership, A and B. But with B you can't access the website, so don't pay for B, it's not worth the money. A costs 6000Y (66,30USD / 48,50€). So in this step you have to choose A or B.

3. here you have to write your e-mail twice and press the button ^^

Then you will get this message.

If your email there is correct press the first button ^^

Then you get this ^ they say you that you will receive an email (immediately). So, please go and check your email ^^

4. In the e-mail you have received click the first link they give you. A new window will open and you will have to start filling your personal info.

Remember, now you need the TENSO address, here you have it again, you will have similar one, so see where I put each thing and you will have to do the same but with different number ^^

The name I'll use is: Maria Lopez (LOL)
〒140-0000 東京都 品川区 東品川0-00-00-TS-----」

You will see again all you info, if everything is right press the left button:

5. Now it's time to pay! Fill all info and press the left button. Wait and don't close the window! Also, only press one time or you'll pay two times ^^

Now I can't give you anything else, because if I do it I will pay for another membership... LOL In fact after that you will receive an email saying that you have paid for it with your member number!!

After that you should be able to log in writing your number and password ^^


this is the e-mail I got the first time:

******* ラウラ 様

member number and your name in katakana



The payment has been confirmed and it's for a yearly membership. The member card will be shipped approximately one month after the registration ^^


number, they don't say you the password just in case, the day you joined and when it will finish (I joined the day of my b'day *-*)





2009年03月09日 22時06分
浜崎あゆみオフィシャルファンクラブ TeamAyu
電話番号/ 03-3401-9300(祝日を除く月-金/11:00-18:00)
住所 / 〒107-0062 東京都港区南青山3-1-31NBF南青山ビル★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★・

If you want to change your member info go to this site again: and press the the red button under the orange one. You have to put number and password. There will be a first page with the last ayu news and another to change your info ^^ (you can use the guide above ^^ press the button, they will show your info again, if its correct press the left one ^^)

You will have to go to this site after a year to pay again with your Credit/debit Card ^^ There will be a red alert saying "Hey!! Your membership is ending, do you want to pay for another year?" sth like this, hehe


Now and extra guide, buy in mu-mo (or TA shop ^^)!!!

1. Click to "member register"

2. press the pink button

3. press the green one (yeah... you have read everything =D)

4. Write your mail 2 times, and press the button

5. If the email is right, press the button.

6. Go to your e-mail and click the link they give you ^^

7. Fill the info! I forgot to write, the password has to be letters AND numbers! BOTH!!

The secret questions are:

a. your parents wedding anniversary
b. your pet name
c. the first CD you bought
d. The artist of whom you bought your first CD
e. Celebrities you met
f. The venue of the first live you saw
g. What you like to eat
h. What someone stole you
i. special interest

8. If everything is correct, press the RIGHT button ^^

9. DONE! You will receive an email now! Now you can buy CD's in mu-mo!!


When buying, either TA shop or mu mo, you will have to log in. Press the orange button next to the product. Then, the one with the cart, to add to your list. When you select all you want to buy, press the first button below the list to pay, or the second if you want to buy more things. If you want to delete one product, press the left button at the left of the product name ^^

When you press it they will show you the address you wrote in the registration, if you want to change it, write it again. Also if you bought before they will remember your credit/debit card, if not, write the number, the expiry date, and press the button ^^

They will give you an order number, SAVE IT! to see the status of your order you will need it and the phone number you wrote!!


So that's all!!

I hope this will be helpful for you all and that more international fans will be able to join Team Ayu!! Again you only need a credit/debit card (only TENSO accept PayPay) and to register in Tenso to get an address ^^

For now I wrote only about this, but of I missed something or you have more questions, or wanna ask about Yahoo Auctions, or anything TA related, please ask!! ^^

P.D: sorry if there's some mistakes/typo LOL

How to join Team Ayu! ~

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Old 6th April 2011, 10:07 AM
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I'm sorry because i don't post often here but my english is very sad.... it's very difficult for me...
But this time i have an important question. I joined the TA the 20th april 2010. I want continue but i don't know the solution for paid for a new year with the same member number. I want change my type of member too. I would have an access to the website of the TA. Can you help me. I'm so sorry for my english... It's ridiculous!!!
Ayu come back in France, please!!!
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Old 11th April 2011, 10:58 AM
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^Do you still need help?

You can pay for another year in here:

Just click that red "LOGIN" button. I think you can also change the type of member you want to be there.

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Old 20th April 2011, 06:59 PM
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I have the same probleme like asmodee. I would like to re-register.

Does someone could make a photo tutorial to explain how to re-register on the TA.
Thank you in advance!

I have the same problem Asmodee. I am a member of the TA for almost a year. And I want to register again but I do not understand how.

Does someone could help me or make a tutorial pictures. I think we should not be the only ones having this problem. And in addition the tutorial could be used by another person.

Thank you in advance for your help!
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Old 6th May 2011, 10:06 PM
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i got my TA membership card today!!! the envelope it comes in with the A Mark is SO freaking cute! i love it!


by the way, what is the merchandise that comes with it??? it looks like a keychain maybe, but why are those other two circular holes cut into it??? and the little pink clip???

I just want to forget it all, without even saying "goodbye."
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Last edited by ohsixthirty; 6th May 2011 at 10:10 PM.
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Old 8th May 2011, 03:31 AM
nmskalmn nmskalmn is offline
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The first thread has over 500 posts. Please continue the discussion here.
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Old 12th May 2011, 12:27 AM
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Just knew that the website to join TA changed~

as far as I know everything is quite the same, so I think till I change the pictures, you'll be able to join with the old ones. Just 2 little changes!

1. First of all, you can no longer write your name in romaji, both have to be in katakana or hiragana.

2. At the "street address, building name" part, some people had problems cause wrote it with our normal keyboard, but it has to be with the japanese one, and in case tenso doesn't write it all like that I copy you it here (if you ever saw it, you can see in japanese keyboard numbers look bigger and letters too:

東品川 4-13-34TS (use the following numbers to creat your TS number: 1234567890) copy it exactly, don't retype!

I think that's all!!

I will add how to renew you account tomorrow cause many asked me this ^^


How to join Team Ayu! ~

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Old 12th May 2011, 03:06 AM
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^thanks aura! those are the two things i had trouble with when i recently joined TA. it was such a pain to get everything to work, so your update is very nice!

I just want to forget it all, without even saying "goodbye."
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Old 20th June 2011, 01:35 AM
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I was gonna renew my account now and it seems pretty straight forward.
Now, I don't get the part where you type your name in katagana. My name still is under romaji, and it does seems to be ok with the system.. Well..I will put a really basic tutorial here of what I'm doing to renew my TA account.

1.- Login into avex website:
2.- In your upper left hand corner, you will see a red button that says "LOGIN" Like this one:

3.- Login as if you were logging into TA: (member number and password, and press the red button)

4.-Again, in your upper left hand corner, you will see your member name, member number, and the following:

Probably there is a red message blinking like the following: "更新が近づいています" which means "Are approaching update" according to google translate. Probably something like "your account is about to expire".
What you have to do now is to press the left hand red button that says "継続する" which means "continue" according to google translate.

5.- After pressing that button, you will get some kind of form, displaying all your personal info. It is supposed everything is fine, but if not, then please change what it has to be changed.

Then, press the grey button at the bottom of this page.

6.- On the next page, they will ask you to confirm the info you just entered. Then, if everything looks ok, press the right hand grey button. To return to the last page, press the left hand grey button.

7.-Next, they will ask you to choose the pay method. Obviously, we will choose " クレジットカード " which means "credit card". Then press the grey button at the bottom of this page.

8.- On the following page, you nee to enter your credit card info.
There is a question here that says "かんたん継続を利用しますか?" And I supposed it means they are asking you whether you want them to remember your card info. Not sure about it though, so I chose "しない" that means "no".
When you are ready, press the right hand grey button.

9.- On the next page, they want you to confirm the information. If everything looks good, press the right hand grey button.

10.- Finally you will get something like this, which says they have accepted your credit card payment, and your TA membership expiation date has been extended for another year, like the following:

And you are ready!

I hope this helps!!

Last edited by maneayu; 3rd July 2013 at 09:53 AM.
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Old 6th July 2011, 09:58 AM
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Thank you ^^ I'm renewing mine just now!
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Old 1st August 2011, 12:15 PM
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im in tenso now. And in TA im in that part where i have to put my email address. But i havent got any message to my email... so im still waiting. I hope itll come.


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Old 19th August 2011, 12:39 PM
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Whwn I want to change my andress I get always this message:

(*)は必須項目です。 入力内容に誤りがあります

Somebody can help me?
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Old 19th August 2011, 08:38 PM
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This is a big problem ç_ç Did you all get a new address from tenso?
I got it today and went to add it in TA but I got and error...

The problem is that the numbers part of the address should be like this:

But now it's like this:

So the address form doesn't accept it.
What should we do now??? T_T

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Old 19th August 2011, 09:04 PM
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It worked for me. I used the japanese numbers. If you copy it from tenso it will not work.
Use this numbers that aura copied. =)

Originally Posted by aura~ View Post

Just knew that the website to join TA changed~

as far as I know everything is quite the same, so I think till I change the pictures, you'll be able to join with the old ones. Just 2 little changes!

1. First of all, you can no longer write your name in romaji, both have to be in katakana or hiragana.

2. At the "street address, building name" part, some people had problems cause wrote it with our normal keyboard, but it has to be with the japanese one, and in case tenso doesn't write it all like that I copy you it here (if you ever saw it, you can see in japanese keyboard numbers look bigger and letters too:

東品川 4-13-34TS (use the following numbers to creat your TS number: 1234567890) copy it exactly, don't retype!

I think that's all!!

I will add how to renew you account tomorrow cause many asked me this ^^

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Old 19th August 2011, 09:08 PM
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Really? I'm going to try again and let you know..

edit: ok, it works ç_ç stupid me ç_ç
The problem is that the numbers I put on the form looked exactly like the Japanese ones ^^;;;

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Last edited by Mami-chan; 19th August 2011 at 09:20 PM.
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Old 19th August 2011, 09:17 PM
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I don't have problems with address line, but with index %) now it's 120-0023
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Old 19th August 2011, 09:22 PM
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You have to delete the - between the numbers. =)
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Old 19th August 2011, 09:30 PM
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i'm slow %)
it works
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Old 19th August 2011, 09:54 PM
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Originally Posted by OyTony View Post
It worked for me. I used the japanese numbers. If you copy it from tenso it will not work.
Use this numbers that aura copied. =)
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Old 20th August 2011, 05:47 AM
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so,tenso changed to change the address in team ayu?

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