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Old 12th May 2009, 08:35 AM
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Yeah, some of the ones I've seen for staff are holographic too! Crazy.

So did NO ONE download the FLVs of the Rule/EnergizE performances? I usually do that but.. hm..

Word to the wise: DO NOT TAG AYU VIDEOS WITH AYU'S NAME / ARENA TOUR NAME / ALBUM NAME. They will get you.

Last edited by truehappiness; 12th May 2009 at 08:45 AM.
Old 12th May 2009, 09:14 AM
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^ I never dl the FLVs and OMG!! The effects in Sparkle look amazing!

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Old 12th May 2009, 09:32 AM
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No I havent dl. Haha I dont know how to do it.
But now I cant cuz Avex found me, even if I just taged "ah" and now my email is banned from youtube for life.

[Video] Key ~eternal tie ver.~_______LJ Blog________[Video] A History
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AHS married to Maro

We had such a nice time. We started dating in t2m PV, took it slow you know, let our love grow. Then it got really serious in 2008. Then after AT2009 we moved in together. It was lovely. Then on AT2010 he asked me to marry him. He was such a sweet. And Ayu gave us our blessings. She was also such a sweet. Now me and Maro are such a sweets together. Aaaw, how time flies.
Old 12th May 2009, 09:33 AM
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Are you sure it was just ah? I've had a few clips that are labeled like that.. and they're still on my account.
Old 12th May 2009, 09:34 AM
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^Jepp I remember. It was just "ah" and "history". It pretty much sucked.

[Video] Key ~eternal tie ver.~_______LJ Blog________[Video] A History
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AHS married to Maro

We had such a nice time. We started dating in t2m PV, took it slow you know, let our love grow. Then it got really serious in 2008. Then after AT2009 we moved in together. It was lovely. Then on AT2010 he asked me to marry him. He was such a sweet. And Ayu gave us our blessings. She was also such a sweet. Now me and Maro are such a sweets together. Aaaw, how time flies.
Old 12th May 2009, 10:01 AM
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OMG, The stage is super duper mega bummer COOL!!!

Now the only thing she should do is modified those costumes XD
Old 12th May 2009, 11:49 AM
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Originally Posted by truehappiness View Post

Adding to first post!~
thanks!!! I love the stage but I found she don't sing For my dear very well
Old 12th May 2009, 01:02 PM
zyoeru zyoeru is offline
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1.) For My Dear:
I really love the screens. I love that the piano has got "centre stage" so to speak too. Sure her vocals are a little rough. But go listen to the studio version. She can't sing like that any more. She did okay. But the screens are gorgeous, her encore outfit is hot too.

2.) Sparkle:
She sings it amazing from the video. Seriously. Good vocals! Also, the screens are once again beautiful!
Now just the outfit needs changing. X_X

3.) Bridge to the Sky:
I know this is obviously pre-recorded. It's an interlude. So..yeah. But the screens!!!
I effing love the screens!!!!!! The photos are probably pretty rare, eh?

WOW. Her vocals are fantastic from what I can hear. I'm really glad!
I want to see the DVD already!!!!

But the screens. Damn. They're fantastic.
Old 12th May 2009, 01:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Furashubakku View Post
1.) For My Dear:
I really love the screens. I love that the piano has got "centre stage" so to speak too. Sure her vocals are a little rough. But go listen to the studio version. She can't sing like that any more. She did okay. But the screens are gorgeous, her encore outfit is hot too.

2.) Sparkle:
She sings it amazing from the video. Seriously. Good vocals! Also, the screens are once again beautiful!
Now just the outfit needs changing. X_X

3.) Bridge to the Sky:
I know this is obviously pre-recorded. It's an interlude. So..yeah. But the screens!!!
I effing love the screens!!!!!! The photos are probably pretty rare, eh?

WOW. Her vocals are fantastic from what I can hear. I'm really glad!
I want to see the DVD already!!!!

But the screens. Damn. They're fantastic.
I'm totally agree with you!
Old 12th May 2009, 02:16 PM
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I downloaded Rule clip, ill make it available in a mp4 or avi version or something in the next days for you again, if its not uploaded on youtube again by that time
And i might have downloaded EnergizE as well...not sure
Old 12th May 2009, 03:05 PM
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For My Dear was rather....yelled...but i rally dunno how else it is for her to reach those notes...i mean she really challenged herself

Sparkle looks SO AMAZINGGG omg...the screen is like some cyberspace movie going on!!!!!!!!!!!

Bridge and NL sound and look good too...
Old 12th May 2009, 08:50 PM
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I think it's kind of funny she keeps yelling into the mic like that in For My Dear. Maybe she thinks we can't hear her. I have to say FMD is probably my least favorite ballad for her but at least she's not singing it in that high pitched ear piercing voice anymore. I'll take the yelling any day lol.
Old 12th May 2009, 09:02 PM
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Originally Posted by jbrat2219 View Post
I have to say FMD is probably my least favorite ballad for her but at least she's not singing it in that high pitched ear piercing voice anymore. I'll take the yelling any day lol.
exactly how i feel. that high pitched voice would be death, omg
Old 12th May 2009, 10:33 PM
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Originally Posted by jbrat2219 View Post
I think it's kind of funny she keeps yelling into the mic like that in For My Dear. Maybe she thinks we can't hear her.
Maybe she can't hear herself (ear problems). I remember going to AT2007 and during some songs she would constantly be messing the earphone around (adjusting the volume, I guess). Although now that her acts tend to be more choreographed, she just seems to ignore it more.

I think its interesting that within a day she has hit or misses.

Old 12th May 2009, 10:59 PM
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^I think it's more she's just trying really hard to hit those notes...she's coming up just underneath them though...which yeah...awful lol

but then again...the high pitched thing would probably be more awful lol

why don't they transcribe it into a new key? It would probably sound cool.

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Old 12th May 2009, 11:12 PM
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I think if she tapped into that nasal-ish quality that her voice had, she could totally hit it still. But the thing is that it appears that she's trying to avoid going into that sort of strange vocal where she's singing through her nose.. hm. I guess that could be why she's 'yelling' and not squeakily singing?
Old 12th May 2009, 11:17 PM
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^ Possibly, but I don't really think that she can actually sing the way she did years ago, as her voice has changed quite a bit and her singing style as well, else she wouldn't use her "chipmunk" voice during some of the older upbeat songs which were more nasal.

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Old 12th May 2009, 11:34 PM
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I love the split screens!

Thanks for the videos truehappiness!

Old 12th May 2009, 11:45 PM
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Thy for all these videos v('_^)
I'm really amazed by the screens (*__*) can't wait to be in october at the final concert aha

Anyway, I'm quite disappointed by the For my dear... performance. I went to the two PCDL and I was really astonished by the FMD performances (especially
by the one of the 30th december) It was no perfect but almost perfect. But here... Yeah... she's yelling. I don't think that she can't hit those high notes anymore. The major problem is that she can't hear her voice.
Moreover her voice may be altered by the lack of rest (u_u)
Old 13th May 2009, 12:10 AM
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The fact that she's done it before (and recently, at that) should say something about whether or not she can do it. Perhaps her vocals just weren't working for her that day?
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