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Old 16th November 2012, 11:40 PM
saigodansu saigodansu is offline
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Random model on a motorcycle is entirely different than this publicity world tour through Paris and London hiring gettyimages to follow her around as paparazzi as if she's that popular in western countries. She's not, she's announced where and when she will be meeting fans in western countries many times before and the paparazzi in the west does not care. This is all staged and to the point of being sickening,and will likely cut her sales, not increase them. Yes there's a sudden jump in the charts for You & Me because of the fans who buy absolutely every word she ever says, but overall when people notice how staged and fake it all is, this stupid stunt has the potential of destroying her career, because who's going to take her seriously anymore.
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Old 16th November 2012, 11:42 PM
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For haters about ayu using her private life as PR, I ll copy what I would like to share in another thread:

I mean, she is really right in appears/return road lyrics that we audience can actually never know the true/whole stories. But that is exactly the whole point of all these, given this being part of true relationship or PR, or both.

She is 34, and personally I do not think she is stupid, so all the public/fan reactions now, including negative ones, should be what she and her company can foresee. I should say, at this moment, "hamasaki ayumi" is a divided image, due to its longevity and maturity, inevitably; there is not one "simple and innocent ayu" who wrote Poker face anymore, and even she herself has been saying at the very beginning: hamasaki ayumi is a product.

So I think in order to the fans themselves to be more comfortable, it is crucial to not take EVERYTHING about ayu too seriously and naively. She is much more complicated than what the fans can dream about. All these little things, big events, craziness, imperfections if you would say, just make ayu more real.
I agree with you !!

than this publicity world tour through Paris and London
She don't go to london lol she stays in Paris until monday evening

hiring gettyimages to follow her around as paparazzi as if she's that popular in western countries. She's not, she's announced where and when she will be meeting fans in western countries many times before and the paparazzi in the west does not care. This is all staged and to the point of being sickening,and will likely cut her sales, not increase them. Yes there's a sudden jump in the charts for You & Me because of the fans who buy absolutely every word she ever says, but overall when people notice how staged and fake it all is, this stupid stunt has the potential of destroying her career, because who's going to take her seriously anymore.
Ohh god you're probably not french so you can't know what she is doing in Paris but what you say is foolishness !
Actually the paparazzi are posted in front of her hotel because kardashian family is here ! Some of them have say to some fans that they totally don't care about Ayu because it can bring them only 60 € if they take a picture of her etc... & getty images are not a paparazzi society ...

You are here for bashing Ayu ! It's obvious that you don't appreciate her anymore why you're still here except for create discomfort O_o ?

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Last edited by mizuki-7; 17th November 2012 at 12:04 AM.
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Old 16th November 2012, 11:56 PM
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I love these covers!

Thanks to Maj for the gorgeous Ayu set! <3

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Old 16th November 2012, 11:57 PM
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Aren't we getting a little too out of hand here?
She said her personal life is separated from her works, but we all know this isn't completely true. A song for XX, teddy bear, Memorial address, they're all songs for her father, a personal matter for her, and I never saw someone complaining about them because they're songs about her personal life. Same thing happened with untitled ~for her~ and probably lots of other songs we don't even know, but are about a personal matter for her.
The only different thing is about her love relationships, until Tomoya she kept them away from the public eye, and we can actually say the same about Mannie. Yes, he was featured in her PVs, but it was before they actually got married. I don't really follow her news outside the music scene, but I think their relationship was kinda out of the public eye too? I didn't really see much, excluding the marriage and the divorce announcement, of course.
I don't really see a problem with Maro being featured in 'again' cover because we can't really see him, it could be anyone there in his place. The only strange thing about the relationship are the pictures of her with him in Paris, it's like she's doing it to show everyone they're together. lol not that I see a problem with that, she could even have sex with him in public if that's her fetish or something, I just see how people could see it as the wrong thing.
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Old 17th November 2012, 12:11 AM
saigodansu saigodansu is offline
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I care about her. What I don't like is the constant publicity stunts she's asked to do by people she at times refers to as family and they treat her like all she's good for is making them more money.
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Old 17th November 2012, 12:38 AM
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Talking about a personal relationship in a song is a bit different to directly linking your work to your boyfriend, because inevitably the lyrics Ayu has always used in her songs have become anonymous to an extent. There is no direct lyric saying "I love you *insert name of Ayu's current boyfriend" but she presents feelings that are inherent to relationships in general... and that's what makes people connect to those lyrics because they are all things that people feel. I'm not so sure if having her boyfriend on the cover would affect that but, despite her wishes to keep her personal life private, the whole cover seems slightly weird to me...

Yeah, maybe she does need a publicity stunt to spark things up again. But perhaps she should have simply reinvigorated her PR on magazines/TV performances instead
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Old 17th November 2012, 12:41 AM
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I dont understand why people have to say this is a stunt...
that implies that they are not even dating and as of right now they have already said they are.

By using her life as press, everyone does this. It doesn't make it a stunt. It makes it good PR.

A stunt would just being they are doing this to try and make press, which only time will tell if this is true.
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Old 17th November 2012, 12:56 AM
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I don't know what to think of these. It's something I never, ever expected Ayu to do.
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Old 17th November 2012, 12:59 AM
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Originally Posted by sugarbasil View Post
Personally, I think Ayu's going through some giant midlife crisis or something. She doesn't seem to know who she is or what she wants anymore. It's like she's just going through the motions at this point and doing whatever makes her the most happy at that moment. Which is cool, she can do whatever she wants.

To me, though, it seems like she's almost flailing at times. Like this. I don't personally buy this whole relationship with Maro thing. I don't question that she feels something for him, but like...wtf. Where on earth did this relationship come from? And I just don't personally think putting your new BF on your album cover is a smart move, but what do I know.

As for the covers, I think they're okay... I agree with the few people that said they're sick of the LOVE theme, and by that I mean the way all the covers and PVs look the same, like they were all made with instagram or something. And yeah, we get it: you're in love. Again. And again. Thought your love life was going to stay separate from your professional life? Oh well...morals change.

And as for the people who say 'who cares? It's her music that matters.' I care. I don't follow her anymore for her music. I follow her because I idolized her for half of my life. But in the last 2 years she's been contradicting so many things that I came to idolize her for. Maybe that's her changing with time, but I don't have to be a fan of the change.

Wow, I agree with every single sentence in this post LOL And I really feel that I can't take Ayu seriously anymore, especially after the last 2 years. Sad, because prior to that I had always had a lot of respect for her - she always seemed more mature than her actual age, through her lyrics, music, and "public image."

And if the Ayu we are seeing now is how she's always really been, then damn, she certainly had me fooled for 8 years (not including the last couple years which is when I started to feel her "public image" [for lack of a better word] began to really change).

And a more specific response to the album covers:
I think they are very tasteful in their presentation; they're fine, a bit bland.

But she doesn't need to be advertising her boyfriend du jour on the covers. At least she won't have to stare at his face if (when) they break up.
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Old 17th November 2012, 01:02 AM
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In her defence, Maro basically works for her, and these wouldn't have been the least bit controversial if news of their relationship hadn't leaked. They're quite unique covers, and still tasteful, Ayu hasn't done something like this in her career. Love how it goes against a typical winter theme as well.

I wonder why the picture of her and Mannie used in the Return Road PV didn't generate this kind of backlash?
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Old 17th November 2012, 01:03 AM
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Originally Posted by maikaru View Post
Ayu released in her statement: "Work is work, private is private." And that's been her motto forever. It's really disappointing... I don't think I'm going to purchase this single/album(Whatever) just because it feels wrong. I don't like this direction which Ayu is going, it's scary. =/

I'm so disappointing, I'm really sad... Awww. I hate this feeling. I feel she's not the same person as before... it's a depressing feeling. =[
I kind of agree a bit
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Old 17th November 2012, 01:08 AM
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Maro is really just a prop in these. That's why there's text all over Maro's face in the other cover. Wasn't there a guy she was hugging in LOVE ~Destiny~ too?

Also, I feel like after having titles like "LOVE" and "again" we should have probably seen this coming from a mile away.

Last edited by truehappiness; 17th November 2012 at 01:27 AM.
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Old 17th November 2012, 01:23 AM
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^ And the shirtless man in H single!

I think it's just a coincidence that Maro is on the cover, he and Shu-ya were being Ayu's false lovers for YEARS before this to came up.

I think it was just a matter of time for some of her back-up dancers to appear in her covers.

My first J-pop cover album is out on Spotify! Please check it out!
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Old 17th November 2012, 01:24 AM
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Originally Posted by brener View Post
i wonder when she break up with him how this covers will look to her...

Special 6th consecutive release mini-album for her 15th anniversary Out April 8, 2013 though a sooner release may be expected
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Old 17th November 2012, 01:28 AM
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I'm curious, should the subject of Ayu's personal life should be a banned topic considering Ayu has said that it is PRIVATE and not part of her career? Just like how TeamAyu entries are not allowed because she wants them kept on TeamAyu??

The Love Destiny and H covers are totally different - the guy is pretty much just a prop where as with these it's clear who it is with Ayu and why..
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Old 17th November 2012, 01:30 AM
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I think you all forget about fancam that stalk her when she is still with mannie...

She don't know that she was following by camera, and we can see from that video, that she is real with Mannie...it's not just for publicity...

Ayumi Hamasaki...Queen of my life...

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Old 17th November 2012, 01:31 AM
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actually I think to the average viewer it might not be clear...
You can't tell from the Cd+DVD cover and you can only really tell from the CD cover because we have seen him so many times.
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Old 17th November 2012, 01:32 AM
ComatoseBunnySnatcher ComatoseBunnySnatcher is offline
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Reminds me of Love Destiny + H.
Really nice <3
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Old 17th November 2012, 01:37 AM
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Does look a bit fan made. And I ain't one to normally shout publicity stunt but...

Equally, who cares? Looking forward to the music!!

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Old 17th November 2012, 01:40 AM
saigodansu saigodansu is offline
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and you forget that even if it's Gori or Timmy walking beside her that her staff is always holding her by the hip beside her and no one knows those 2 guys from the fancam so they could have easily been hired. that whole san francisco trip seems awfully similar to this paris trip and the london trip planned for when they leave paris.
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『again』, 浜崎 あゆみ, 浜崎あゆみ, 15th anniversary, covers

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