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Old 7th January 2022, 02:05 PM
Evan Odinson's Avatar
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Considering everything I think it was a really good show, an HD version with the usual edition work would be really fun to watch again but I agree her cute sections are getting cringe, never liked them tbh also the "cute sexy lolita" look + baby voice feels just... weird lol wish she sang Depend on You in a normal section again :'D
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Old 7th January 2022, 09:52 PM
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Hi guys I made this RAINBOW video with the vocal from 2003 and the music from the CDL.


Enjoy :p
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Old 8th January 2022, 05:54 PM
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I will rewatch the show in very good quality because I didn't enjoy it... Setlist was cool but am I the only one who think her vocals were not very good ? She did shout every now and then and when she didn't do that, she was using her baby voice, which I don't like at all !
What I loved the most were the songs with japanese sounds in it, it was very refreshing !
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Old 9th January 2022, 12:46 AM
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Originally Posted by CeReSu View Post
Setlist was cool but am I the only one who think her vocals were not very good ?
Yeah they were questionable but I mean she has no hearing in one of her ears so... I'm not here to judge.
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Old 9th January 2022, 08:19 AM
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Originally Posted by CeReSu View Post
am I the only one who think her vocals were not very good ? She did shout every now and then and when she didn't do that, she was using her baby voice, which I don't like at all !
I just don't agree at all. I was expecting a LOT more "baby voice", especially after the FNS performances, but I felt like she kept that to the cute section where it belonged and sounded much more natural for the rest of it. There were a few parts where she got shouty, some parts where she went a bit off-key, parts where she sounded a bit tired, but to me the good moments far outshone all that, like the way she mostly nailed all the ballads. My expectations were pretty low tbh, but she cleared them pretty well.
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Old 9th January 2022, 11:32 AM
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Originally Posted by CeReSu View Post
I will rewatch the show in very good quality because I didn't enjoy it... Setlist was cool but am I the only one who think her vocals were not very good ? She did shout every now and then and when she didn't do that, she was using her baby voice, which I don't like at all !
What I loved the most were the songs with japanese sounds in it, it was very refreshing !
No I said the same above but didn‘t want to say anything more since everyone loved it. But those vocals were so bad, she was off tune, off pitch and even off best. Even polishing can’t do magic. I feel sorry for her because she is so passionate.

Edit: the start of secret was so bad for example. I only really liked the opening.

Edit: the baby voice was in more than just the cute section (and it was even more horrendous there) and I still dislike the overpronounciation of the „u“ sound she does for the last couple of years.

Last edited by thinkingoutloud89; 9th January 2022 at 11:35 AM.
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Old 9th January 2022, 12:03 PM
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In such situations, I wonder if we all watch the same show. No irony here. I can only say that when there is a live broadcast and she goes way off I have no problem admitting it. Then I wait for the edited version before I show the concert to anyone else. This time around I have no such problem so I'll just repeat my opinion that she sounded good to me and I had a lot of fun watching it on tv (and with headphones later too).
https://vimeo.com/user16870996 Some live performances subbed by me
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Last edited by maxikot; 9th January 2022 at 01:21 PM.
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Old 9th January 2022, 01:17 PM
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I was really worried about the baby voice but I can only remember her doing it in the cute section and a little during some ballads but in those the tone and vocals were pretty much controlled so it didn't bother me, I was actually surprised to hear her in such a natural tone in some parts like the opening and RAINBOW/How Beautiful You Are. We know how her live vocals can be a hit or miss, specially during long shows but imo this was better than Made in Tokyo and Just the Beginning lol still I really want a full HD and edited version to enjoy it even more
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Old 10th January 2022, 05:53 AM
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Originally Posted by maxikot View Post
In such situations, I wonder if we all watch the same show. No irony here. I can only say that when there is a live broadcast and she goes way off I have no problem admitting it. Then I wait for the edited version before I show the concert to anyone else. This time around I have no such problem so I'll just repeat my opinion that she sounded good to me and I had a lot of fun watching it on tv (and with headphones later too).
Ha ha I often wonder about this as well when some people are insistent she’s sounded bad. I think the last couple of years and to be more precise, from Promised Land onwards, she’s been fairly consistent vocal wise and has largely stopped shouting. I like that she’s trying to get better and that the improvements are more than audible.

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Old 10th January 2022, 07:24 AM
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I believe that she tried her best and we can't even expect her more because of her age, health condition.
BTW, I really enjoy her CDL, her vocal is touching in the ballads.
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Old 10th January 2022, 04:36 PM
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Maybe if it's something with the live stream because I think she sounded fine there. In my opinion even better than 30th when she struggled in NO FUTURE for example
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Old 11th January 2022, 01:17 PM
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Originally Posted by holy_arrow View Post
I believe that she tried her best and we can't even expect her more because of her age, health condition.
BTW, I really enjoy her CDL, her vocal is touching in the ballads.
Nobody said it is something she should feel bad about or something like „how can she expect people to pay for this“. But on the other hand, lowering expectations and saying stuff like „it was not as bad as I thought it would be“ isn‘t exactly good either.

I still stand by my point that I liked the show, but disliked most of her singing (depend on you, secret) comes to mind. I still kept watching, but I would never say „it was such an incredible and enjoyable experience.“
Yes, she is still going despite of her condition, which is nice, but her singing just isn’t good anymore.

Edit: I also don’t want a show to be edited to death to be enjoyable.
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Old 12th January 2022, 01:21 AM
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Originally Posted by thinkingoutloud89 View Post
her singing just isn’t good anymore.
It hasn't been good since like late 2007 and even before that it was hit or miss. She's a bad and inconsistent live vocalist, singing in unnatural way and often out of her range, who's able to make decent prerecorded TV performances, I'll give her that. Sorry, not sorry. I mean if the first question you ask about her shows how the vocals were it means the person isn't known for good ones in the first place. Fortunately for her fans seem to be very forgiving and not demanding when it comes to her singing.
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Old 12th January 2022, 01:39 AM
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I think she did improve vocally since 2018, but she always misses few songs in a show, I still wonder why she isn't using pre-recorded audio for hard parts she can't hit, there is no shame, so many singers does and it isn't like she was ever considered a supreme vocalist.
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Old 12th January 2022, 02:49 AM
alternarist alternarist is offline
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i thought there was this period of time in 2011 she attended some vocal trainings again and then we got the awesome vocals from Power of Music 2011 onwards..

for me, her vocals truly deteriorated when she embarked on her endless tours during the 2017 - 2018 period and never recovered.
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Old 12th January 2022, 04:27 AM
280301 280301 is offline
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Originally Posted by Chris85 View Post
It hasn't been good since like late 2007 and even before that it was hit or miss. She's a bad and inconsistent live vocalist, singing in unnatural way and often out of her range, who's able to make decent prerecorded TV performances, I'll give her that.
I haven't watched the CDL yet, but I wanted to throw in my two cents about her vocals. As Chris85 comments above, I too think that her vocals have been hit or miss throughout her career. I remember becoming a fan around late 2006/2007, and being shocked at the difference between the vocals of studio versions of GUILTY vs. how she sang those songs live (to be fair, there are a few tracks on GUILTY that aren't "easy" to sing either). However, I think why this shocked me so significantly also was due to having watched live performances from late 2002 to early 2006, where her vocals were far, far better - it was clear that her loss of hearing had had a substantial impact on her ability to sing.

Now it's 2022, and I think it's fair to say that Ayu has now been touring for nearly two decades consistently. Considering the impact that this has had on her voice (alongside aging, as well as the harmful initial 90s jpop vocal approach that she would only adjust some years into her career, and having previously performed while being genuinely sick - 2002-03 CDL is one instance, if I remember correctly), and the further injury to her hearing that she has endured, I think that it's fair to say that her current vocal ability is likely the best that she can provide if she continues to tour. What she really needs is a break away from touring, perhaps music altogether for a while so she can rest her voice. Even then, I think that without some kind of hearing-based medical miracle and proper vocal rehabilitation, this is Ayu's voice now. I would say I think that this is "okay," but I really wish Ayu would take care of herself better! I understand her desire to keep touring as long as she can given the circumstances with her hearing, though.

Last edited by 280301; 12th January 2022 at 04:29 AM.
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Old 12th January 2022, 03:48 PM
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I mean on the discussion of her vocals I can admit and agree that ayu isn't known for her technically amazing live vocals or anything and I didn't get into her music or performances because of mind blowing vocals, it was always about her passion, emotion and stage presence. I would never label her as an overall bad vocalist though because she has given very beautiful vocal performances even recently. She is definitely the most inconsistent vocalist I can think of though. Usually with singers I know what to expect during a live performance vocal wise but with her it has been hit or miss the majority of her career. I think she has also just tried out different techniques over the years that really didn't work for her voice (extremely dramatic vibrato, baby voice, screaming in songs that didn't call for it).
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Old 12th January 2022, 07:01 PM
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Originally Posted by M.A.X. View Post
Hi guys I made this RAINBOW video with the vocal from 2003 and the music from the CDL.


Enjoy :p
Amazing edit. Thank you.
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Old 13th January 2022, 08:49 AM
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^^ it’s all very subjective. Vocals sounded very good to me, some parts weren’t that great but over all pretty good. I don’t know how to explain it but something about this show was lacking. How beautiful you are was everything though.
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Old 13th January 2022, 06:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Chris85 View Post
It hasn't been good since like late 2007 and even before that it was hit or miss. She's a bad and inconsistent live vocalist, singing in unnatural way and often out of her range, who's able to make decent prerecorded TV performances, I'll give her that. Sorry, not sorry. I mean if the first question you ask about her shows how the vocals were it means the person isn't known for good ones in the first place. Fortunately for her fans seem to be very forgiving and not demanding when it comes to her singing.
Really, I still enjoy Concert Tour 2000 and those are some awful ones. And as many people commented, I rarely watch it for her vocals ( i think most of J-Pop is the wrong place for that), but this CDL made me awfully aware of how much she missed - and with that I mean noticeably missed.

Of course, most of the show is fine or say her usually standards, but Ii feel she showcased new struggles here. I can't remember her having that much problems to hit a high note in a ballad as in secret. I will, as probably all fans, still continue to watch her concerts - but newer shows probably not as much as older ones.

That said, i love the Taiko drums (one of my fav. shows by her has them too) and I also really enjoyed the show, as it somehow did not feel as crowded as hose past few years.
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