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Old 6th March 2021, 11:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Chibi-Chan View Post
Some of us are always attacked when we dare to criticise that 浜崎あゆみ is somehow gone and that her spirit is missing. People get crazy over stating this, because they say she would put her all into it.
You are "attacked" because the tone you present your opinion reduces the taste of those who enjoy ayu's releases that you don't to worse compared to yours. And that's not nice to feel that way. As much as I understand what you mean by "it" that ayu lacked, how am I supposed to understand to which period you refer to, 5 years? 10 years back? She only said that she is awaken and is about to return to ayumi hamasaki properly. She isn't describing any of her releases as bad, that's such a loose interpretation of some users.

Ayu's post is wonderful and so insightful. I love when she does that. The way she is referring to Yumi is also admirable and so full of respect. I am super excited what she is concocting for us and what might become of her awakening. I enjoyed her Trouble material and her recent adventures with Ohia and Dreamed a Dream gave me fantastic vibes and for a good reason as I can see I'm so looking forward to everything now
https://vimeo.com/user16870996 Some live performances subbed by me
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Last edited by maxikot; 6th March 2021 at 11:03 PM.
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Old 6th March 2021, 11:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Chibi-Chan View Post
But I can't say I feel she put her everything into much the last few years. Now she acknowledged that she didn't, but that she wants to go back to that 浜崎あゆみ and I really really hope she comes back.
You summed up my feelings perfectly
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Old 6th March 2021, 11:32 PM
Chibi-Chan Chibi-Chan is offline
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^^no, I'm attacked because you like drama and like to come at me whenever possible. I NEVER refer to posts of people who like something, I NEVER criticise people for liking something. My criticism is only ever directed at the work itself. If you can't stand someone criticising something you like and then start making this about their "tone", even though nothing they said was directed at you, maybe you should learn how to deal with opposing views in a more constructive way.
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Old 6th March 2021, 11:39 PM
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^We are the toxic part of the fandom apparently lol People need to stop taking things so seriously~

I think we all have a different understanding of what this "ayumi hamasaki" is, as well as Ayu herself. And i think it's always going to be that way. For her to feel fresh would be reinventing herself. But i don't think that's what anyone needs, her included.
What "hamasaki ayumi" is for me, it's how much thought seemed to be put into her earlier stuff. It had meaning, a soul a story...? I don't know, but it felt more wholesome. And while she had an odd ball here and there that felt this way, they were far and few between for me..

Last edited by BlackSilence; 6th March 2021 at 11:45 PM.
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Old 6th March 2021, 11:53 PM
Toniayu123 Toniayu123 is offline
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Originally Posted by artcika View Post
We are the toxic part of the fandom for expressing an opinion that doesn't go with the rest lol People need to stop taking things so seriously~
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Old 6th March 2021, 11:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Chibi-Chan View Post
^^no, I'm attacked because you like drama and like to come at me whenever possible.
I can speak for myself that I don't like drama. I ignore the vast majority of your negative comments. Only today I am very happy with the reveal so your post triggered me. But that's not gonna happen again easily any time soon.
https://vimeo.com/user16870996 Some live performances subbed by me
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Old 7th March 2021, 12:34 AM
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Thank you for the translation!
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Old 7th March 2021, 12:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Tourian View Post
Thank you so much for posting this translation of Ayu's message!

I'm very excited about this. Ayu is always at her best when she's fully devoted in heart, mind and soul to a project, and it seems like the weight of covering such an important song in Japanese culture made her feel committed to the highest creative standard.

I found the original song (or a version of it) on Youtube and the lyrics translation and I really love the vibe of the song.

I just watched the preview of Ayu's cover at the end of the A BALLADS 2 promo and the arrangement sounds downright royal, fit for a queen taking on a traditional song. And she looks spectacular in the video.

I can't wait for the final version to come out!!

It's not much a traditional song... More of a mid 90's jpop track. It's Matsutoya Yumi most iconic track, even if it was released in the 4th decade of her career. Yuming is a pop icon in Japan and a strong influence on her career both as a musician and as a performer.

Here it's a live performance from Yuming herself. It totally feels like something Ayu would do.

And as it seens like you are not aware, Ayu actually covered this track during A Ballads promotion. It's probably one of her best live performances of all time. I dare say it's even better than Yuming's rendition of it.


On a side note, I think people are thaking the whole "being Hamasaki Ayumi again" a lot more deeper than she meant.

Thing is, Ayu's last full album was released almost 5 years ago. She is probably talking about her lack of new music, instead of shitting on her more recent projects.

Also, people get offended when the same people 3 or 4 people complain about the newer stuff because they never come as "I don't like this release", or even "this is crap", instead coming as "why is this lazy bitch releasing this shit? Why can't she just retire and stop destroying her legacy like that?" and this obviously doesn't come very nice to everybody else. And I say that as someone who is following Ayu since the peak of her relevance among the western fandom, and who actually thinks her best stuff was released during the 2010's.


I live around AHS (Ayumi Haters Sekai)

Last edited by Andrenekoi; 7th March 2021 at 12:56 AM.
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Old 7th March 2021, 12:47 AM
Chibi-Chan Chibi-Chan is offline
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Originally Posted by Toniayu123 View Post
Perfect gif
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Old 7th March 2021, 01:18 AM
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I think her "returning to Ayumi Hamasaki form" is directed to her lack of releasing songs. Guess she was not inspired to do that and now it's time to start over. It's a totally different thing about saying she was "lost" or making things she didn't like. I mean, she made several concerts, with very different purposes and concepts in a short period of time, during a pandemic while pregnant. If she was kinda lost and not wanting to dedicate herself to the career, she could use pregnancies and pandemic situation as excuses to avoid everything. It's nonsense people using her words to shit over her work like that.

slow down, you won't get there by hurrying
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Old 7th March 2021, 02:39 AM
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Lovely blog post from her. Let's see.
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Old 7th March 2021, 02:44 AM
Chibi-Chan Chibi-Chan is offline
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^^it's what she said, this has nothing to do with "shitting over her work". She specifically refers to her entire work, like covers, music videos and songs. This has nothing to do with not releasing as much. She talks about how Shimoko said on social media how she (Ayu) was putting her everything into this work (Haru yo, koi) and that she felt the same way. Then she goes on about how she was putting her everything into her covers, her songs, her videos and how this time, when recreating Haru yo, koi, it wasn't important if she had fun doing what she was doing but that she felt she was putting her soul into it. She then asks, and this is important, "after finishing this work, I immediately wondered how many years it has been that I was that focused, exhausted, concentrated and possessed by something". Then she continues, saying that she sadly had forgotten that feeling, but that frankly speaking, she really woke up. She finishes that paragraph with "私は ね。" (this is me, right?), which touched me the most about that entry. Also, she says no matter how Haru yo, koi will turn out, she has to return to this Hamasaki Ayumi.
So yes, she talks about how she was not putting her everything into her work during the last few years. And honestly, I respect her a lot for saying this. She is not perfect and her work neither. If she had some years when her priorities shifted and she felt "having fun" was more important, that's fine. She indirectly says that having fun with her work was more important to her for some time than the dedication for the entire outcome of a project like she used to have in the past. But working on a song that important brought back for her how it felt to dedicate herself to her work and that this is Hamasaki Ayumi and she needs to return to that Ayu and won't stop. It's a very brave thing to admit that and if anything, I love her even more for this.
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Old 7th March 2021, 02:51 AM
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I want to say that regardless of how you interpret her words, it's still okay to be a fan of the work she has done in the last few years. Those are moments that she was having fun with, or expressing herself in the most honest way she could, finding those moments of freedom and happiness in what has seemed to be a long time of strife and hardship personally behind the scenes. I don't look at the long gap between music releases and think she was just having fun, I see it as Ayu struggling to connect with "Ayumi Hamasaki", and the few pieces of music we have had (in comparison to her typical release schedule) are even more remarkable to me in retrospect, in acknowledging how hard it has likely been to write and record things in that sort of headspace.

It doesn't mean I don't agree that there was definitely a shift... but she's human. I don't think she could help it. She needed this time to do whatever she needed to do.

For anyone who has been just as much a fan for years (whether you were enjoying all of her output or not), you have still been supporting the same Ayu. Here it is Ayu finding that she has refound a spark that she had lost, but it doesn't mean her recent work is any less special. It was just Ayu coping in a different way and this marks a new era.

That's my interpretation, and I'm sure there will be many more that people will have. Everyone here is such an invested fan that they come back after all these years, and still care for her well-being most of all. Let's try to remember that even if we may have different opinions on her work, past or present.
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Old 7th March 2021, 04:09 AM
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Thank you for the translation! I’m so excited that she’s trying a return to the ayu we knew. The Ayu that put her heart and soul into everything. Even though I liked most of her recent releases, there was a feeling of a lack of energy, kind of like she was only doing it because she felt like she had to, not because she was truly excited about what she was doing. I’m so excited to see that she’s excited again and has her sense of creativity back.

Originally Posted by koumori View Post
I want to say that regardless of how you interpret her words, it's still okay to be a fan of the work she has done in the last few years. Those are moments that she was having fun with, or expressing herself in the most honest way she could, finding those moments of freedom and happiness in what has seemed to be a long time of strife and hardship personally behind the scenes. I don't look at the long gap between music releases and think she was just having fun, I see it as Ayu struggling to connect with "Ayumi Hamasaki", and the few pieces of music we have had (in comparison to her typical release schedule) are even more remarkable to me in retrospect, in acknowledging how hard it has likely been to write and record things in that sort of headspace.
Trying to force creativity is very draining, emotionally speaking. Trying to put into words or song or music your inner feeling when the creativity just isn’t flowing is so frustrating and exhausting. It’s a hard thing for an artist to feel as though they’ve “lost it” but still trying to create. I really loved オヒアの木 because it felt like she had some of her old inspiration back with her son, and she crafted a song for him that you can really feel her love.

Last edited by AJFmzk; 7th March 2021 at 06:33 AM.
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Old 7th March 2021, 05:34 AM
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The first post has now been updated with a more accurate, thorough translation. Credit goes to remove-mom at the AHS Discord

Originally Posted by AJFmzk View Post
Trying to force creativity is very draining, emotionally speaking. Trying to put into words or song or music your inner feeling when the creativity just isn’t flowing is so frustrating and exhausting. It’s a hard thing for an artist to feel as though they’ve “lost it” but still trying to create. I really loved オヒアの木 because it felt like she had some of her old inspiration back with her son, and she crafted a song for him that you can really feel her love.
I completely agree with this. She has been trying just as hard all this time, but she needed to work out a few things and what had changed. If she feels now she is ready to "come back" and has refound what she feels is her path, then I'm just so happy for her.

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Old 7th March 2021, 05:56 AM
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I thought we were stopping posting TA blogs on here to non TA members?
"I don't have dreams. How can I say it? I myself am a dream..." - Ayu

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Old 7th March 2021, 06:04 AM
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Originally Posted by FoxyPinkGirl View Post
I thought we were stopping posting TA blogs on here to non TA members?
Misa-chan made the personal call to stop posting publicly on the forum for her own translations, but it was never a decision made by the moderators for the forum. I feel for particularly important ones, all fans should be able to access it. It's a judgement call and one I'm fine making.
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Old 7th March 2021, 06:35 AM
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Originally Posted by koumori View Post

Misa-chan made the personal call to stop posting publicly on the forum for her own translations, but it was never a decision made by the moderators for the forum. I feel for particularly important ones, all fans should be able to access it. It's a judgement call and one I'm fine making.
Thank you so much.
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Old 7th March 2021, 07:03 AM
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Originally Posted by koumori View Post
I want to say that regardless of how you interpret her words, it's still okay to be a fan of the work she has done in the last few years. Those are moments that she was having fun with, or expressing herself in the most honest way she could, finding those moments of freedom and happiness in what has seemed to be a long time of strife and hardship personally behind the scenes. I don't look at the long gap between music releases and think she was just having fun, I see it as Ayu struggling to connect with "Ayumi Hamasaki", and the few pieces of music we have had (in comparison to her typical release schedule) are even more remarkable to me in retrospect, in acknowledging how hard it has likely been to write and record things in that sort of headspace.

It doesn't mean I don't agree that there was definitely a shift... but she's human. I don't think she could help it. She needed this time to do whatever she needed to do.

For anyone who has been just as much a fan for years (whether you were enjoying all of her output or not), you have still been supporting the same Ayu. Here it is Ayu finding that she has refound a spark that she had lost, but it doesn't mean her recent work is any less special. It was just Ayu coping in a different way and this marks a new era.

That's my interpretation, and I'm sure there will be many more that people will have. Everyone here is such an invested fan that they come back after all these years, and still care for her well-being most of all. Let's try to remember that even if we may have different opinions on her work, past or present.
I feel this. Thank you for sharing. I feel like there is a lot of nuance with ayu (her life and career), but it can be a lot to articulate at times. I'm glad she shared this, as it's not often we get her honest thoughts in this way. I'm looking forward to seeing where she goes.

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Old 7th March 2021, 12:55 PM
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Personally, I think her essentially taking things on all by herself for the past decade could have really done a lot for her mental health.

When Max was involved with her releases, I truly believe he had a huge influence on what she did and didn’t do. That and the team that he would have brought to the table.

I do think that when his finesse of her releases was pulled back is when her release pattern and quality really started to get... iffy.

That’s not to say that she -can’t- do it by herself, but it’s certainly more mentally draining. Plus, failure (whether perceived or real) reflects directly back at you, so then it all becomes very personal.

In any case, I do hope she feels inspired again. If anything, I want her to know who she is. She’s a legend, no matter what.

"Remember, don't let others dictate your music taste. If you like whatever you're listening to, keep listening to it."

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