Latest TA post [1st April 2018] - Reacting to weight comments - Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai
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Old 2nd April 2018, 05:39 AM
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Latest TA post [1st April 2018] - Reacting to weight comments

«[…] Today, members of my staff told me » Ayu, you should lose weight « or » your photos are too retouched « and it offended me. Yes, I know. What I mean, it’s just that I know there are a lot of people who say that.

«[…] Of course, if, a few hours after the Ayumi Hamasaki at LINE LIVE, we look at the Instalive or we look at Ayumi Hamasaki’s photos on Twitter, we want to say » What ?? » Seriously, me too, I think the same … Yes, there really are differences. «

«[…] But, well, you too, even if it’s unfortunate, do you never happen to have two really important days which overlape?
It never happened to you to work tirelessly, to do sports without considering your time, to go to the point of complete exhaustion, to have the features drawn when you come back home, to even have the impression that your whole body lost at least one waist compared to the morning? Of course, during LINE LIVE yesterday, I was really swollen, my brain was not working, I really could not pretend to be a good host. This time, for sure, I’m the only one responsible.
Knowing that I had a live the next day, I should have had enough sleep, I should have taken some rest and offer you a healthy Ayumi Hamasaki. I’m sorry.

But you know, the one who made a LINE LIVE at 4PM, the one who made a Insta live at 9.30PM, the one who took a selfie home at 11.30, they are all really me.
I don’t want to say things like, «No, I’m not fat,» or «No, I don’t make photo retouching» I’m just very concerned about our age where we use plenty of apps and let us make an imaginary ego on social networks.
And I think all of this gives me a very good opportunity to talk about it.

I don’t think we have more beautiful eyes because there are bigger, I don’t think that a face is more beautiful because it’s small with a pointed chin, and it is not enough that one has thin arms or legs.
We all have a body that has its particularities with which we are born. That’s what gives everyone a personality that is precious to them. I would like to tell you how much I would like you to remember that.

I’m going to put 5 pictures today, okay? Me around 11am yesterday. It’s about 18 hours after the end of the Line Live, I have unkempt hair, the makeup is gone, but here it is also human beings.

I would like all those of the TA that I can meet during CDTV recordings or during the tour understand it. And I would like you to make your own opinion by seeing me in real life.
The apps are only apps. Do not use them excessively.
Because without being dependent, we are all, much more than we think ourselves, beautiful people.

Today too, dear members of the TA, I love you from the bottom of my heart. «
Translation by AyuAngel

NOTE: This translation does not include the whole TA entry but only the in AyuAngel's opinion most important paragraphs.
If someone wants to do a full translation, feel free to do so and I'll add it

Originally Posted by tenshi no hane View Post
I won't make a full translation because Team Ayu posts are meant to be private, but I made a summary.

Please note that it's not her staff who told her to lose weight etc. AyuAngel probably misread it; I almost did too.


She thanks everyone for watching the LINE LIVE and Instagram Live yesterday. She was very nervous. She just can't get used to those live recordings.

When she looked back at the recording, she was also surprised at how bloated and swollen she looked.

Lately she's been swamped with the tour, CDTV rehearsals and other 20th year anniversary stuff during the day, and when she gets home, she immerses herself in song writing. She admits she's living on sheer adrenalin lately (aka not getting enough rest).

Regarding yesterday, her staff was told things like, 'Ayu should probably lose some weight' and 'Ayu's photos are edited too much'. They talked to Ayu about how it frustrates them to be told such things. That's part of the reason she started writing this message. Although she does understand why people say things like that.

She admits that she looked completely different in one day yesterday. The Ayu during the LINE LIVE, the Ayu during the instagram live and the Ayu on her twitter looked completely different. However, she asks, haven't any of you ever worked all day, get home looking haggard and thin, and then wake up the next morning bloated?

She admits she was too tired yesterday and couldn't be a good host because of it. She should've slept properly, knowing it was an important day. She's sorry she didn't.

She may look different at different moments in one day, but it's still Ayu during all those moments. She's not writing this message to proclaim she's not fat or doesn't edit her photos. She simply feels worried about how normal and easy it has become to edit yourself through apps and upload the perfect you on social media nowadays. She doesn't feel the goal is to have as big eyes as possible or be as thin as possible, etc. Everyone is born with their own physique. Their own individuality. She doesn't want people to lose sight of that. That is the real message she wants to get across today.

Apps are just apps. Don't be too hasty. We are much more beautiful beings that we think, even without relying on such apps.

She loves Team Ayu, today too.

(She also uploaded 5 photographs of herself during rehearsals at 11 o' clock, 6 hours after the LINE LIVE. To show how she looked then.)

Translation/Summary by tenshi no hane

NOTE: This translation/summary does not include the whole TA entry but only the in tenshi no hane's opinion most important things Ayu wrote.
If someone wants to do a full translation, feel free to do so and I'll add it


Imo those people exaggerated and Ayu reacted in a very mature way. I'm glad she did so, even if it does not change how the general public views or judges her.

Last edited by Katsuyuki012; 25th June 2020 at 06:41 PM.
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Old 2nd April 2018, 06:06 AM
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I think it's good she's speaking out about this and I do think people were overreacting but some of what she said seemed hypocritical. I want to comment further on this but the translation seems rough so I'll wait until we get a better one.
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Old 2nd April 2018, 07:02 AM
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Ayu keeps beating around the bush here and I couldnt find any points to understand exactly what she wants to tell, but for sure people tend to compare the look no matter how what

Maybe she did do something to the face and boobs so yeah
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Old 2nd April 2018, 07:49 AM
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That's pretty messed up. I wonder which staffers have done that.
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Old 2nd April 2018, 08:12 AM
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Originally Posted by truehappiness View Post
That's pretty messed up. I wonder which staffers have done that.
Did they get fired?
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Old 2nd April 2018, 08:28 AM
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I won't make a full translation because Team Ayu posts are meant to be private, but I made a summary.

Please note that it's not her staff who told her to lose weight etc. AyuAngel probably misread it; I almost did too.


She thanks everyone for watching the LINE LIVE and Instagram Live yesterday. She was very nervous. She just can't get used to those live recordings.

When she looked back at the recording, she was also surprised at how bloated and swollen she looked.

Lately she's been swamped with the tour, CDTV rehearsals and other 20th year anniversary stuff during the day, and when she gets home, she immerses herself in song writing. She admits she's living on sheer adrenalin lately (aka not getting enough rest).

Regarding yesterday, her staff was told things like, 'Ayu should probably lose some weight' and 'Ayu's photos are edited too much'. They talked to Ayu about how it frustrates them to be told such things. That's part of the reason she started writing this message. Although she does understand why people say things like that.

She admits that she looked completely different in one day yesterday. The Ayu during the LINE LIVE, the Ayu during the instagram live and the Ayu on her twitter looked completely different. However, she asks, haven't any of you ever worked all day, get home looking haggard and thin, and then wake up the next morning bloated?

She admits she was too tired yesterday and couldn't be a good host because of it. She should've slept properly, knowing it was an important day. She's sorry she didn't.

She may look different at different moments in one day, but it's still Ayu during all those moments. She's not writing this message to proclaim she's not fat or doesn't edit her photos. She simply feels worried about how normal and easy it has become to edit yourself through apps and upload the perfect you on social media nowadays. She doesn't feel the goal is to have as big eyes as possible or be as thin as possible, etc. Everyone is born with their own physique. Their own individuality. She doesn't want people to lose sight of that. That is the real message she wants to get across today.

Apps are just apps. Don't be too hasty. We are much more beautiful beings that we think, even without relying on such apps.

She loves Team Ayu, today too.

(She also uploaded 5 photographs of herself during rehearsals at 11 o' clock, 6 hours after the LINE LIVE. To show how she looked then.)


Last edited by tenshi no hane; 2nd April 2018 at 08:43 AM.
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Old 2nd April 2018, 10:14 AM
relmy relmy is offline
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People need to give her a break, it was probably just period bloat.

It's just stupid, just because she isn't 6 stone or whatever anymore people think she's fat.
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Old 2nd April 2018, 10:24 AM
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I'm kind of sad that her looking so different all the time is apparently still because she's not properly taking care of herself, with her not taking rest and not sleeping and so on. I actually thougt she had that behind her?

「変わらないなら 変えるしかない」

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Old 2nd April 2018, 11:26 AM
Chibi-Chan Chibi-Chan is offline
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What bothers me most is that people aren't worried about her looking "fat" because of her health, but only because they find it unpleasant to look at an Ayu that isn't photoshopped.
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Old 2nd April 2018, 11:42 AM
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Thank you all for the translations, I truly love her...

Hey, the reason of this smile and the meaning of this word can't be understood
Because I don't even want to make them understood
— until that Day...

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Old 2nd April 2018, 12:06 PM
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Originally Posted by AyuWorld View Post
Ayu keeps beating around the bush here and I couldnt find any points to understand exactly what she wants to tell, but for sure people tend to compare the look no matter how what

Maybe she did do something to the face and boobs so yeah
This is what's wrong with people. After everything she's said this is your only conclusion?

I would honestly love to see you after jumping and singing for days.

Follow me @njanjayrp

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Old 2nd April 2018, 12:23 PM
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She has more energy and drive than I do and looks pretty good considering her age. I hope I can age that well.

Book collector, avid reader, writer, cat owner, part time owl who listens to JPOP, KPOP, metal, soundtracks, and instrumental music.

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Old 2nd April 2018, 12:24 PM
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thanks AyuAngel and Tenshi for translation!

I want ayu to make "kiss my fat ass" video like Tyra did %)

Originally Posted by Corvina View Post
I'm kind of sad that her looking so different all the time is apparently still because she's not properly taking care of herself, with her not taking rest and not sleeping and so on.
that is really sad
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Old 2nd April 2018, 01:07 PM
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Originally Posted by tenshi no hane View Post
I won't make a full translation because Team Ayu posts are meant to be private, but I made a summary.

Please note that it's not her staff who told her to lose weight etc. AyuAngel probably misread it; I almost did too.


She thanks everyone for watching the LINE LIVE and Instagram Live yesterday. She was very nervous. She just can't get used to those live recordings.

When she looked back at the recording, she was also surprised at how bloated and swollen she looked.

Lately she's been swamped with the tour, CDTV rehearsals and other 20th year anniversary stuff during the day, and when she gets home, she immerses herself in song writing. She admits she's living on sheer adrenalin lately (aka not getting enough rest).

Regarding yesterday, her staff was told things like, 'Ayu should probably lose some weight' and 'Ayu's photos are edited too much'. They talked to Ayu about how it frustrates them to be told such things. That's part of the reason she started writing this message. Although she does understand why people say things like that.

She admits that she looked completely different in one day yesterday. The Ayu during the LINE LIVE, the Ayu during the instagram live and the Ayu on her twitter looked completely different. However, she asks, haven't any of you ever worked all day, get home looking haggard and thin, and then wake up the next morning bloated?

She admits she was too tired yesterday and couldn't be a good host because of it. She should've slept properly, knowing it was an important day. She's sorry she didn't.

She may look different at different moments in one day, but it's still Ayu during all those moments. She's not writing this message to proclaim she's not fat or doesn't edit her photos. She simply feels worried about how normal and easy it has become to edit yourself through apps and upload the perfect you on social media nowadays. She doesn't feel the goal is to have as big eyes as possible or be as thin as possible, etc. Everyone is born with their own physique. Their own individuality. She doesn't want people to lose sight of that. That is the real message she wants to get across today.

Apps are just apps. Don't be too hasty. We are much more beautiful beings that we think, even without relying on such apps.

She loves Team Ayu, today too.

(She also uploaded 5 photographs of herself during rehearsals at 11 o' clock, 6 hours after the LINE LIVE. To show how she looked then.)

thank you so much for this. I love how human she is.
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Old 2nd April 2018, 01:40 PM
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No doctor would determine her to be fat so why are people being nasty? Oh she is so fat in comparison to herself in her teens. Aren't we all?
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Old 2nd April 2018, 02:05 PM
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Bless Ayu for writing this. Needed to be said.

introduce a little anarchy

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Old 2nd April 2018, 10:34 PM
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I thought Ayu looked youthful and pretty. Regardless of her age. But Japan is pretty weight conscious and the standards for what is thin and what is fat are different.
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Old 3rd April 2018, 12:47 AM
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Expectation: Ayu is surrounded by yesmen who agree with everything she does because she lives in a pink bubble alienated from the world.

Reality: "Ayu, y u so fat?"

I live around AHS (Ayumi Haters Sekai)

Last edited by Andrenekoi; 3rd April 2018 at 02:54 AM.
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Old 3rd April 2018, 01:53 AM
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Thank you for the clarification, Tenshi! It's less bad that it wasn't her own staff telling her that. It's known to all of us that Ayu's weight fluctuates from time to time, but I wish people weren't so harsh on her. I'm more worried about her not sleeping and eating properly then her looking a little "bloated." She's such a workaholic, though...
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Old 3rd April 2018, 02:15 AM
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With all that hectic schedule by day, she still writing songs by night... is she human? Dear God, let her get enough rest.
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